No less legendary a personage than Billy Zoom, one of the best rockabilly guitarists that ever took up the 6-string, asked me if I were Mister Valve. I was honored, but here's the real genuine story. Mister Valve was a late-night raving in the USC video editing room, who quickly began appearing on walls university-wide.
Subsequent research has revealed that Mister Valve is most likely a bona fide archetype in 20th century Western civilization:
Here we have the world's first tube. Note the uncanny, and definitely not intentional, resemblance of this little diode to our original Mister Valve.
The great city of 2026 (Metropolis)
Von Braun's first moon rocket (Frau Im Mond)
And here, in an unchanged Metropolis still, is the ultimate Ominous Valve.
Too cool.
War is hell.
Other undercover assignments:
Erin Go Valve
Lawrence of Valve
Nanook of the Valve
Peter the Valve
Taj MaValve
Three years after the invention of the transistor, Mister Valve is the first one ready to go to Mars. This high-tech early-atomic-age version of The Tinfoil Hat had two tubes. Batteries included.
Even more wiggy.
This ad was obviously intended for TV technicians and service personnel. Well, it sure seems as if they were thinking about the same thing that we are told that most postwar American males thought about in the early 1950s. No, not the United Nations.
Here, I humbly offer mine:
And so it was made known: any valve circuit with potential Y2K issues would be larger than Cleveland.
And so it was revealed: People are analog, and valves are Y2K. And then struck the hour, first in New Zealand, then sweeping around the globe from high beyond the sky.
And so it came to pass, in the last year of the reign of President William.
Suggested colors are browser-safe periwinkle
for the bulb, white eyes, and a
graded brown for the octal base.
Variations are manifold, and to be welcomed. Perspective is optional.
Oil was found at this location. You know what that means.
Go to the new reservation.
(Courtesy David Pearrell)
Here is the most beautiful collection of pure retro extant on this planet. It's my page dedicated to old electronic logos, from the century of the common person, when companies had names like Joe's Radio instead of EATCO ®.
People really like this page. Why not? It's fun, and it's ours. It's yesterday's future, concocted from woozy radio semiotics by commercial designers who didn't share today's pervading sense of dread.
A few of these are actually new, by artists who understand. The designs are, of course, private property, but the visions aren't.
We can be giddy about life again. Technology can be on our side. Meanwhile, do enjoy this wondrously expanding logo page, and send more!
Now get a HUGE RCA LOGO!
(I use mine for windows wallpaper)
Send me pictures of tubes!
drop B+ and leave the transmitter room
Maybe YOUR final costs $1.29