Automatic Link Establishment THIS FILE IS PERPETUALLY UNDER REVISION!!!! Contents: Part 1: Agencies & Frequencies (forever inadequate) Part 2: Callsigns/ Addresses (always way, way behind) Part 3: Appendixes/ Notes 1. How to parse USAF 6-number aircraft addresses 2. German Federal law enforcement prefixes 3. Chilean Ministry of Interior emergency stations 4. U.S. Coast Guard cutters heard on COTHEN Part 4: Acronym list Changes: 03-02-2020 Updated COTHEN 03-24-2020 Partial FEMA update 04-02-2021 Added yet more FEMA 04-29-2021 Added brief mention of 4G ALE 09-28-2021 Added a few US National Guard 01-23-2023 Updated Utah National Guard & UrgentLink 03-25-2023 Made a few small updates ========================================================================== Introduction: ========================================================================== ALE (Automatic Link Establishment) is a standard means of establishing link on the high-frequency band. The goal is to automate much of the grunt work that radio operators once had to do. It's one of the most complex communication systems ever designed. Most of ALE's waveform and protocol is defined in a military standard, MIL-STD-188-141A/B/C. It is usually embedded in the radio's firmware, though several computer programs permit its use with amateur gear. Best performance, however, is achieved with radios designed for the function, some of which are starting to show up surplus. The ALE waveform is 8-tone FSK, with a bandwidth around 2.7 kHz. It's centered on 1625 Hz. The tones are orthogonal (independent). They look different from one another on spectrum displays. ALE is structured in data "words" which have type and content. There are 8 basic ones: TO, THIS IS [TIS], THIS WAS [TWS], DATA, REPEAT, THRU, COMMAND [CMD], and FROM. Stations ID with alphanumeric "addresses." The net treats these like SELCALs or routing instructions. Receivers all scan the net frequencies looking for calls. When a call is automatically answered, scanning stops and the stations are "linked." Subsequent communication is usually in other modes. Most of what we receive is "soundings." Many ALE net members "sound" at a regular interval. These used to consist of many repetitions of TIS or TWS words and station IDs. The current tendency is for soundings to get shorter, sometimes having only a couple of repetitions. Soundings are evaluated by all participating stations for BER (Bit-Error Rate) and SINAD (SIgnal to Noise And Distortion ratio). These are stored by all stations, to determine optimum frequencies for calls. Sounding used to just go through net frequencies in order, at a set interval usually of around one hour. As nets became larger, the steady activity was deemed unnecessary communication in many cases. Many nets have switched to sounding a few frequencies at a time. Some radios can implement bi-directional sounding, in which stations exchange LQAs both ways. These are becoming quite common on some nets. Contact ("linking") is established automatically, by simply selecting the station one wants to call and pushing the button. Once the radio shows as linked, it is available for follow-on communication, if any is desired. This takes place in a variety of modes including USB voice and several data modem standards. Some nets maintain the linked state until cleared by a TWS (THIS WAS) word and ID. Other nets just go back to scan on their own. An ALE call is a TO word plus the called station's address (more on address handling later), then a TIS (THIS IS) word plus the station's own address. Sometimes you'll see a CMD word plus a hexadecimal string. One of these decodes as LQA (Link Quality Assessment, really a signal check by any other name). Another one seen sometimes will be decoded as POWER CONTROL, and indeed it directs stations to change transmitter power. The ALE standard also provides for Allcalls, Anycalls, Wildcards, Self-Address, and Null Address. Allcalls and Anycalls can be global or selective (directed at some specific subnet). The global Allcall, with an address of @?@, will stop all radios on the net and open the audio, putting everyone into a LINKED condition. I can only think of one net that routinely uses these. This is good, since theirs hang PC-ALE every time, requiring a manual unlink. They've also started popping up, sporadically, for radio data telemetry on the US DVA net. The Anycall does something similar, but requires responses from all stations thus linked. The Wildcard is an address in which one character has been substituted with a global "?." Self-Address and Null Address are for testing, and cause no responses from other net participants. Short text messages can be passed in the AMD ("Automatic Message of the Day") word. This is used for operator chatter and sometimes to pass phone numbers for autopatches. More recently, some users (like FEMA) have implemented a complete ALE chat mode, passing AMDs back and forth. Also, some Codan radios can interrogate one another for telemetry of their condition, and they pass this data in cryptic looking AMDs. Most agencies are using 2G ALE (second generation ALE). Presumably, 1G ALE, if it ever existed, would refer to the 3 or so proprietary autoscanning systems in use before the mil standard brought order from chaos. The first 2G ALE version has gone through several modifications, which allow longer addresses than the original 3 characters, plus several other improvements. Some US military stations have recently been heard using AQC-ALE. AQC stands for Alternate Quick Call. This is an optional protocol which, as the name implies, can offer faster linking and faster passing of follow-on messages. It accomplishes this by discarding some little- used functions, and making other tweaks. On the waterfall, the lowest tone (750 Hz) looks different than it does in "normal" ALE. The rest of the 8-tone FSK looks the same, though I've seen references to a burst mode that also passes some information in PSK. Users will notice that scanning is faster, and the address length is restricted to 6 characters. AQC-ALE has also been described on occasion as "2.5G ALE." It's backwardly compatible, but obviously existing radios lacking the capability won't respond to any of its unique protocols. In practice, it's used mostly by manpack radios in tactical nets. MARS-ALE decodes it for sure, and later versions of PC-ALE do as well. There is also a 3G ALE, but this is an entirely different mode and sound. Its PSK waveforms create steady hisses of varying duration. It's designed for military use, notably by NATO. In fact, it does not specifically replace 2G ALE, which is still in Appendix A of the latest US mil standard. It is not known whether any decoder programs legally available within the financial means of hobbyists decode 3G ALE. The high end packages definitely do it, at prices running well into the several thousands of US dollars. Recently we have seen mention of a 4G ALE. It is part of a wideband spec called WBHF (Wide Band HF). Bandwidths of 24 and even 48 kHz are mentioned in the standard. Hardware has been developed to implement this, and a few people have heard it on the air. Not much else is known here, but detailed documents are easy to find on the Internet. Given the normal evolution of technology, presumably 2G ALE will eventually become yet another legacy mode. There are several sources saying that the US military is currently working on a change to a newer version. ALE Software: PC-ALE The most popular amateur ALE program is still Charles Brain's venerable PC-ALE. This has gone through many versions, and it is still supported by other programmers. There is also the aforementioned MARS-ALE, which some prefer for receiving. Often, when using PC-ALE, you will notice that the listing (called the order wire) will often show two or three hits on different frequencies, but with the same or +1 second time stamps. It looks like this (reading bottom to top): [20:39:47][FRQ 15867000][SND][ ][TWS][D69 ][AL0] BER 0 SN 00 [20:39:47][FRQ 12222000][SND][ ][TWS][D69 ][AL0] BER 29 SN 12 [20:39:47][FRQ 11494000][SND][ ][TWS][D69CBP ][AL0] BER 30 SN 10 Or like this (also bottom up): [20:39:48][FRQ 15867000][SND][ ][TWS][D69 ][AL0] BER 0 SN 00 [20:39:48][FRQ 12222000][SND][ ][TWS][D69 ][AL0] BER 29 SN 12 [20:39:47][FRQ 11494000][SND][ ][TWS][D69CBP ][AL0] BER 30 SN 10 You will probably see a lot of these, especially on long sounds by weak signals. In the first example, the time stamp is the same. In the second, it is one second later. In both cases, the truncated address and BER 0 SN 00 in the third line are dead giveaway. You will also see these (also bottom up): [21:25:19][FRQ 20890000][SND][ ][TWS][D69 ][AL0] BER 0 SN 00 [21:25:18][FRQ 18594000][SND][ ][TWS][D69CBP ][AL0] BER 23 SN 03 There are only two lines, but it's the same problem. The second one is truncated in the address, and the 0's in the BER and SN give it away. In all three cases, only the first (bottom) entry is valid. The others are bad data. It is extremely important to go through PC-ALE's order wire listings and eliminate all of these. Otherwise, it fills up the hobby with logs full of unheard and completely bogus frequencies. This is a well-known bug. Its frequency of appearance varies with every combination of radio, sound card, and system version. It is caused by the modem getting out of sync with the hardware control system, which resumes scan before decode is completed. This causes repetition with garbage data on the order wire lines. The other most common decoding error relates to ALE's odd method of passing the station's addresses in groups of three characters. This is a holdover from the original standard, where all addresses were of three characters max. In order to allow longer ones, the next three are passed as a DATA word, the three after that as a REPEAT word, and any others by subsequent DATA/REPEAT cycles. The US Marine Corps can go really over the edge on this, with some real alphabet soup for IDs. The problem is this: in a bad decode, characters after the first three can be missing, out of order, or in the wrong places. If the non-printing padding character (@) shows up, it's garbage for sure. ALE Software: MultiPSK Several other programs can do ALE. Patrick Lindecker's MultiPSK actually decodes more accurately than PC-ALE, though it's not perfect either. The paid version will scan, though its associated rig library (in a third- party program) is more for hams. Patrick is always adding features and refinements to MultiPSK, making it worth the clunky user interface. It's good competition for Fldigi, which doesn't do ALE anyway. One common decode error in MultiPSK is the appearance of lower case data. In the optional, single-word decoding, it looks something like this (reading top to bottom): [20:40:01.88s] [THIS WAS] N04 [20:40:02.24s] [THIS WAS] N04 [20:40:05.61s] [THIS IS] b"g [20:40:05.97s] [THIS IS] b"g [20:40:06.34s] [THIS IS] b"g ALE does not use a lower case for signaling. This and the close-together time stamps reveal the listing as a bad decode. The characters here are easily recognizable as garbage, but that's not always the case. MCC, the old McClellan/ West Coast Global in northern CA, has a way of showing up as "faa." There has been some difference of opinion here, but it seems doubtful that the US Federal Aviation Administration would be using lower case, especially since this does not exist in ALE. ALE Software: ION2G This is a new program, designed for hams. It's currently still in beta, but some people have said that it's slick and easy to use. That's really all that I know about it. ========================================================================== 1: Agencies & Frequencies (kHz) ========================================================================== The reason we keep this file in straight text is that newer formats with hard pagination break up the frequency columns too much. I've made PDFs, but there's no good way to keep lists together. This format is easy to update, and it lends itself to advanced hacks with PC-ALE .QRG files. There's been some discussion online regarding the length of some of the agency/frequency lists. Yes, they are very long. It is true that any net trying to sound all of them would stop working. The QRM would be amazing, and the transmitters would never have time for anything else. They would wear out much faster, and run up the electric bills. Two considerations here: 1) No one uses all the frequencies on a long list. Most of the time, the agencies are militaries, which will pick out a certain set for a unit, a subnet, or even a single mission. We don't know what those will be. Months or years later, when a certain activity re-appears on one frequency, we won't know where to start looking for the others if we've deleted them. This makes for long lists, but it also somewhat facilitates future identification and searches. One admitted problem with this approach is that some militaries rarely or never re-use frequencies at all. 2) Some manufacturers have proprietary extensions to 2G ALE which provide for fewer soundings and/or better link quality data. One company advises that radios be set to sound a given frequency only once every five hours. Another one advertises the bi-directional sounding that we mentioned, intelligently using two-way LQAs. --- 4-Number Net(s) All unknown. 5680.0 4-number net 6535.0 2001 clg 1226 6906.0 3, 4001, 4004, 4006 snd (LSB) 7736.0 3331 snd (LSB) 8008.0 2060 clg 2000 8864.0 2008, 1013 8871.0 1102, 6713 8929.0 1006 9245.0 2xxx net 9260.0 2xxx net 13300.0 1111 9001 Net Unknown agency with soundings by "9001" 8041.0 8054.0 8057.0 9207 Net Unknown agency with soundings by "9207" 9034.0 Albanian Government/ Police 5075.0 5251.0 5379.0 8725.0 9241.0 Algerian Air Force COF = Commandement des Forces Ariennes (HQ) Like the rest of the Algerian military, the Air Force is known for using huge numbers of HF frequencies. These change all the time. New ones are added regularly. Some older ones are reused, but not on any kind of schedule we have been able to find. Obviously, not all are ever used at once, or the net would spend all its time sounding. Any list like this one will always be too long, and instantly obsolete. 3155.0 4590.0 4600.0 4650.0 4730.0 4750.0 4785.0 4850.0 5460.0 5462.0 5467.0 5470.0 6450.0 6565.0 6655.0 6698.0 6703.0 6738.0 6765.0 6825.0 6921.0 6964.0 6980.0 6985.0 7476.0 7509.0 7568.0 7595.0 7616.0 7633.0 7647.0 7716.0 7754.0 7802.0 7808.0 7897.0 7925.0 7935.0 7938.0 8061.0 8080.0 8084.0 8153.0 8156.0 8965.0 9053.0 9055.0 9070.0 9074.0 9106.0 9110.0 9180.0 9189.0 9257.0 9260.0 9262.0 9281.0 9288.0 9300.0 9306.0 9348.0 9364.0 9438.0 9903.0 9913.0 9931.0 10031.0 10123.0 10129.0 10134.0 10141.0 10146.0 10180.0 10184.0 10193.0 10220.0 10221.0 10506.0 10519.0 10528.0 10535.0 10544.0 10552.0 10583.0 10590.0 10719.0 10785.0 11000.0 11010.0 11020.0 11025.0 11114.0 11120.0 11125.0 11129.0 11154.0 11156.0 11160.0 11163.0 11171.0 11415.0 11425.0 11430.0 11466.0 11476.0 11486.0 11651.0 12160.0 12167.0 12197.0 13208.0 13324.0 13327.0 13348.0 13368.0 13369.0 13377.0 13393.0 13399.0 13499.0 13522.0 13544.0 13802.0 13984.0 14423.0 14426.0 14428.0 14430.0 14432.0 14435.0 14437.0 14438.0 14441.0 14448.0 14456.0 14457.0 14458.0 14460.0 14463.0 14466.0 14468.0 14475.0 14640.0 14800.0 14970.0 15801.0 15834.0 15852.0 15870.0 16300.0 18600.0 18609.0 18613.0 18676.0 18698.0 19200.0 20296.0 Algerian Diplo/MOI 6787.0 7753.0 8012.0 8086.0 8152.0 9080.0 10375.0 10995.0 11427.5 11475.0 11570.0 14422.0 16027.0 16080.0 16335.0 16340.0 18204.0 18348.0 18635.0 18758.0 19140.0 19445.0 19945.0 20340.0 20452.0 Algerian Gendarmerie 6500.0 8990.0 10430.0 11455.0 14550.0 14610.0 16490.0 18555.0 Algerian Military Like the Air Force, the rest of the Algerian military is known for using huge numbers of HF frequencies. These change all the time. New ones are added regularly. We never know if old ones will be reused. Obviously, not all are ever used at once, or the net would spend all its time sounding. Any list like this one will always be too long, and instantly obsolete. 3205.0 3250.0 3260.0 3271.4 3291.0 3300.0 3304.0 3313.0 3354.0 3390.0 3503.0 3545.0 3702.0 3635.0 3850.0 3857.0 3934.4 4010.0 4035.0 4039.0 4385.0 4390.0 4420.0 4430.0 4460.0 4486.0 4505.0 4536.0 4570.0 4717.5 4755.0 4777.0 4812.0 4825.0 4835.0 4970.0 5020.0 5035.0 5058.0 5060.0 5065.0 5070.0 5094.0 5115.0 5120.0 5145.0 5165.0 5193.0 5240.0 5260.0 5266.0 5280.0 5295.0 5323.0 5365.0 5374.5 5380.0 5414.0 5420.0 5424.0 5427.0 5443.0 5444.0 5447.0 5450.0 5464.0 5470.0 5712.0 5752.0 5756.0 5770.0 5775.0 5781.0 5790.0 5795.0 5805.0 5820.0 5875.0 5879.0 5895.0 6390.0 6427.0 6454.0 6460.0 6464.0 6500.0 6505.4 6745.5 6751.0 6753.0 6758.4 6802.0 6806.0 6838.0 6840.0 6845.0 6847.5 6854.5 6859.0 6870.0 6905.0 6915.0 6925.0 6940.0 6945.0 6955.0 6975.0 6986.0 7370.0 7420.0 7450.0 7480.0 7499.0 7509.0 7512.0 7516.0 7525.0 7530.0 7535.0 7558.0 7575.0 7585.0 7604.0 7611.0 7648.0 7650.0 7705.0 7720.0 7752.0 7830.0 7845.0 7922.0 7950.0 7955.0 7996.0 8010.0 8020.0 8023.0 8040.0 8059.0 8061.0 8070.0 8080.0 8115.0 8162.0 8174.0 8189.0 9060.0 9135.0 9175.0 9180.0 9181.0 9234.0 9250.0 9295.0 9306.0 9380.0 10430.0 10550.0 10851.0 10910.0 11100.0 11185.0 11202.0 11211.0 11218.4 11309.0 11415.0 11430.0 11500.0 12160.0 13233.0 13420.0 13450.0 13650.0 16106.5 16490.0 17489.0 18411.0 19385.0 Algerian Oil/Gas Net (1/USB) [aka Sonalgaz/SONATRACH] 4592.0 5853.0 5362.0 5410.0 6906.0 6981.0 7739.0 7813.0 7818.0 7969.0 8046.0 8055.0 8164.0 8990.0 9007.0 9067.0 9121.0 9315.0 10244.0 10275.0 10619.0 11240.0 11440.0 11446.0 11466.0 11475.0 11488.0 11489.0 16270.0 18062.0 Algerian Oil/Gas Net (2/LSB) 5410.0 5418.0 5784.0 5853.0 6790.0 6906.0 7739.0 10190.0 10211.0 10275.0 10285.0 Algerian (other) 8010.0 8012.0 8980.0 8990.0 9135.0 9175.0 Alphabetical Net This one's new as of winter 2017. Most stations use 3-letter addresses in alphabetical sequence (ABC, DEF, etc), though HFGUARD has also been reported. Probably US. 5886.5 5906.5 7395.0 8115.0 9296.5 10622.5 10687.0 11014.5 American Red Cross 5135.0 also SECURE 5140.0 also SECURE 6858.0 7480.0 also SECURE & DVA 7697.0 7932.0 also SECURE 7935.0 also SECURE 7991.0 9106.0 Angolan Police 8057.0 8308.0 8857.0 8859.0 ARINC UrgentLink (See Collins Aerospace UrgentLink) Australian Air Force 9105.0 11165.0 16030.0 Australian MHFCS 6230.0 6799.0 18470.0 VKF clg VKC, VKZ., VJK, VOT Austrian Military 3224.0 3814.0 4459.0 4495.0 4756.0 4895.0 4914.0 5189.0 5345.0 5769.0 7844.0 14401.5 14609.5 18223.5 Bonneville Power Administration This is a government electric power utility located in the NW US. It's a major grid operator as well. Most calls end in "BPA." 3341.0 4945.0 5308.0 5947.0 6929.0 7428.0 7689.0 8053.0 9184.0 10554.0 11125.0 11250.0 Bosnian Emergency HF Network Ary Boender has found short (3-letter) and long IDs used by this one. The longer ones begin with phonetic alphabet or the names of cars, ended with "HFMREZA," or "HF network" in Bosnian. 3928.0 4881.0 5120.0 5424.0 5280.0 5300.0 5365.0 5370.0 5390.0 5421.0 5491.0 5750.0 6280.0 6380.0 7900.0 Brazilian Military * = Amazon Command, as heard in late 2019 & 2020. 6828.0 * 8310.0 8422.5 9010.0 9059.0 9118.0 * 9120.0 * 10914.5 10982.0 11454.0 11455.0 11452.0 12132.0 12370.0 12725.0 13224.0 13972.0 14582.0 14780.0 15876.0 16090.0 16333.0 17982.0 18172.0 18218.0 19200.0 19427.0 19677.0 20100.0 20300.0 20535.0 California Office of Emergency Services (OES) 5140.0 5195.0 7480.0 (SECURE/STACOM calling channel) 7805.0 CFARS/MARS Interop Nothing is certain here, but the traffic strongly suggests a group of common frequencies for the US MARS and the similar Canadian CFARS. Both are quasi-amateur services supporting the military. The old frequencies listed here for this one are now dead, as I'm sure these will be in time. I took them out. A recent exercise brought out a lot of stations on this net. ALE addresses suggest that at least some of these are the data gateway stations described in non-classified MARS posts to the Web. MARS has 40ESB and a bunch of stations using calls starting with NET. CFARS has several ending in GATE, such as YELVEMNGATE (confirmed Yellowknife) and EDMVEMNGATE, possibly Edmonton. 4438.5 5205.0 6850.5 7639.5 9290.0 11105.0 13478.0 14935.0 16039.5 17545.0 20158.0 24760.0 Chilean Gendarmes (Gendarmeria de Chile) No longer a true gendarmerie, but an agency responsible for the prison system. Base and mobile stations are all over the country. 3239.0 6900.0 7915.0 9970.0 10505.0 12615.0 13536.0 15630.0 16015.0 Chilean Navy (USB/LSB) 6848.0 8042.0 8096.0 8125.0 8140.0 9182.0 9198.0 11429.0 17466.0 20400.0 Chilean Emergency (ONEMI) Oficina National de Emergencia del Ministerio de Interior (ONEMI) is the national emergency management agency. This net, given up for dead in 2015, now shows a few signs of life. Like Chile, it's very farflung, including Easter Island (Isla de Pascua) and the Juan Fernandez Islands. The 17 MHz frequencies were heard in summer of 2017. The rest of the list might include some out of date ones. 6834.0 6843.0 6871.0 6877.0 9084.0 9087.0 9091.0 9140.0 9150.0 10128.0 10135.0 10160.0 10176.5 10187.0 10193.0 10218.0 10222.0 10234.0 10244.0 17411.0 17440.0 17426.0 Chinese Military 4604.0 5784.0 6953.0 7503.0 7861.0 8045.0 8058.0 8120.0 8151.0 8783.0 9041.0 9052.0 9219.0 9311.0 9325.0 9425.0 9685.0 10175.0 10250.0 10312.0 12165.0 14925.5 19250.0 19933.0 20228.0 20391.0 20400.0 Chinese Navy 7603.0 7862.0 8042.0 8202.0 8473.0 8794.0 11128.0 11143.0 11228.0 11454.0 11583.0 Collins Aerospace UrgentLink (Formerly ARINC UrgentLink, updated 1/23/23) This is a 2015 commercial venture that seeks to create a national commercial HF system available to contracting agencies with no maintenance by the customer. A pilot net was established at the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department. Since then, they have signed FEMA, US Dept. of Health & Human Services, California OES, Verdugo Fire, and many more. Most frequencies are idle maritime channels authorized by an FCC waiver intended to allow emergency communication. The net was used for hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. "ANP" used to stand for Annapolis, and notably the ARINC headquarters. This facility is now a Collins complex, and in fact the various "ANP" addresses have been repeatedly multilaterated to Cedar Rapids, IA. The best guess is that they are used for engineering. 2679.6 2685.0 FEMA Interop w/FNARS 2735.6 3240.0 4125.0 4234.0 5088.6 5146.0 6230.0 6335.6 6955.0 7304.6 7315.6 7318.6 7637.0 8085.5 8560.0 10161.6 10170.6 10326.0 10489.0 10706.0 11018.0 13083.0 13152.0 17287.0 18178.0 18689.6 19755.0 19959.0 FEMA Interop w/FNARS 22738.0 Colombian Army Autopatch Net (Thanks to Ron) This is a small net, apparently for phone interconnect, maybe for border stations. Its status is unknown. 10142.0 10706.0 11426.7 11430.0 13530.0 14000.0 16037.5 16078.0 Colombian Navy These stations really get out. Reception in Europe and the USA is common. 5493.0 5620.0 5510.0 5720.5 5815.5 7455.0 8010.0 8060.0 8063.0 8250.0 9090.0 10496.0 10608.0 10876.0 11450.0 11455.0 13540.0 16544.0 16547.0 COTHEN US Federal publications now show this as the "Cellular Over- The-Horizon Enforcement Network." It's the ALE continuation of the original Customs Over-The-Horizon Enforcement Network, which was indeed for Customs enforcement. The first version used a Rockwell Collins SELSCAN system. COTHEN has been adding radio assets and players from other agencies at a good rate for some years now. It's now also used extensively by US Coast Guard for many of the flight following and air-air comms that used to be done on 5696 and 8983 kHz. Army National Guard "Raider"assets are becoming common as well. COTHEN is currently adding new frequencies. So far, these seem to be used mostly for soundings by remote transmitters. 3369.0 New 2020 3428.0 New 2020 5732.0 5909.5 7527.0 8912.0 9982.0 New 2020 10242.0 11494.0 12222.0 13312.0 13907.0 14582.0 15867.0 18594.0 20890.0 23214.0 24838.5 Croatian NRPD NPRD is the National Protection and Rescue Directorate. 3390.0 5298.0 5316.0 6801.0 6806.0 6831.0 6848.0 8016.0 9115.0 9119.0 9150.0 CS-RS Net This active net is somewhere in Europe. All call signs begin with CS or RS. Like Algeria and the Polish military, these people have an awful lot of frequencies. New ones are discovered regularly. They most likely are not using all the old ones, but some do get reused. Therefore, they've all been listed. As always, not all are ever used at any one time. 3170.0 3770.0 4033.0 4044.0 4408.0 4510.0 4550.0 4555.0 4575.0 4585.0 4600.0 4614.0 4615.0 4650.0 4670.0 5190.0 5212.0 5410.0 5418.0 5420.0 6200.0 6310.0 6400.5 6422.0 6522.0 6820.0 6828.0 6840.0 6845.0 6860.0 6870.0 6880.0 6890.0 6938.0 7010.0 7020.0 7400.0 7420.0 7424.0 7430.0 7455.0 7475.0 7535.0 7622.0 7633.0 7732.0 7733.0 7744.0 7755.0 7760.0 7775.0 7803.0 7877.0 7890.0 7935.0 7938.0 7965.0 7975.0 7976.0 7977.0 7980.0 8020.0 8040.0 8050.0 8060.0 8130.0 8513.5 8930.0 DAxx Net Addresses are "DA" plus "01" through at least "10," plus "123." Algeria has been suggested, but that's not known. 3296.0 5180.0 5260.0 5770.0 7841.0 9252.0 9920.0 11001.0 11008.0 11009.0 11029.0 11096.0 20155.0 Danish Military 2250.0 DISA Routing Network Entry These are military data network entry points at US Air Force ground stations. NPR=NIPRNET, SPR=SIPRNET. 3137.0 4745.0 5684.0 5708.0 8965.0 8968.0 10600.0 10830.0 11181.0 11199.0 13242.0 13950.0 17973.0 20631.0 27870.0 "DUST" (Probably US Army Natl. Guard) It is not known whether this net still exists. 4886.5 5851.5 6911.5 7361.5 9124.0 10670.5 Ecuador Navy This net has had no activity in the recent earthquake, and may be inactive. Nothing further is known. (Thanks to Mike Chace-Ortiz for these) 7667.7 7900.0 8156.0 8245.0 8355.0 8750.0 8758.0 8873.0 8973.0 9072.5 10245.0 12400.0 16416.4 18201.5 18451.5 ERCC Net Unknown, all LSB, possible emergency or power in NY State 2194.0 3155.0 4438.0 5005.0 6765.0 7300.0 10810.5 Egyptian (?) GANOB Net HQ1 through 4 work a number of outstations with addresses of GANOB plus one or two figures. It gets reported sometimes as the Libyan GMMRA (listed elsewhere), but that seems unlikely. It's much more likely to be an Egyptian oil company. It's thought to be affiliated with the seldom reported GHARB and SHARK nets, which I know very little about. 6050.0 6400.0 7820.0 7880.0 8100.0 8888.0 9150.0 10235.0 10380.0 10750.0 11135.0 11350.0 Finnish MFA 14925.0 French Forces 5684.0 7505.8 11187.0 11214.0 11217.0 11235.0 11250.0 11253.0 14591.5 French Diplomatic 6900.0 7740.0 9052.0 10825.0 12170.0 14671.0 15921.0 16320.0 17477.0 18396.0 19636.0 20616.0 25301.0 French Navy This might or might not be the same net as the one described below. The first three letters of the address are derived from the vessel names. LFY = LaFayette, JBT = Jean Bart, etc. 6467.5 9959.0 10498.0 14570.0 French Navy OMAR Net OMAR (Organisation MARitime des transmissions haute frequence) has been heard with net IDs like 01D, OM, and 1OM added to the old 3-letter call signs of coastal stations (1OMFUJ, 1OMFUM, etc.), followed by a Thales variant of the STANAG 4285 and MIL-STD-188-110A waveforms. 5884.0 6828.0 7582.0 7720.0 8276.0 9073.0 9190.0 14716.6 14800.0 19215.0 Georgian Border Guards 5146.7 5369.0 5436.7 5555.0 5782.0 5784.2 6565.0 8083.0 9198.5 Georgian Coast Guard 4360.0 5650.0 6636.0 7055.5 8275.0 9045.0 9325.0 10098.5 12074.5 12248.0 German Customs & Water Police The German Coast Guard (Kostenwache des Bundes) is made up of several agencies working together. One of these is Customs (Zoll). Its control station is ZLST (Zoll Leitstelle) in Cuxhaven. It works Customs Boats (Zollboots) and patrol vessels on waterways. 2673.0 3374.0 3831.0 4553.5 4993.5 6890.0 7401.0 German Federal Police This net is used by several Federal agencies involved with law enforcement, especially afloat, where it is also part of the Kostenwache. Police Headquarters uses the address BPLEZS (Bundespolizei Lage-und Einsatzzentrum See), also in Cuxhaven. 2070.4 2142.5 2505.0 2559.0 2673.0 3595.0 3850.0 4537.5 4555.2 4618.0 5022.0 5258.0 5258.5 5425.0 6848.0 6890.0 8132.0 German Red Cross (USB/LSB) 2233.5 3801.5 3818.0 4013.0 4588.0 4932.5 6957.0 7898.0 9004.0 10272.5 Ghana Navy Probably anti-piracy. 6300.0 7485.0 9344.0 16250.0 16250.0 17501.0 Greek (Hellenic) Air Force 5847.5 6777.5 7421.5 11106.0 Hungarian Military 4952.0 4971.0 5334.0 5762.0 5768.0 8162.0 Illinois (US) Emergency Alert System (ILEAS) Several state agencies show up here. 5135.0 5140.0 5192.0 7477.0 7802.0 7932.0 7935.0 Indonesia (Agency is unknown) 11250.0 14352.0 18442.0 Iranian Military? This is a best guess, but the origin is still open. 5601.0 5783.0 6137.0 6896.0 7466.0 8964.0 9046.0 10326.0 11133.0 11161.O 11353.0 11492.0 16161.0 17156.0 18264.0 19191.0 Israeli Air Force AAA is control. Not all freqs are used at any one time. Any list like this one will always be too long, and instantly obsolete. 3178.0 3823.0 3824.0 3865.0 * 4681.0 5123.0 * 5129.0 5163.0 5209.0 5269.0 5360.0 5418.0 5478.0 5489.5 5531.0 5563.0 5581.0 * 5720.0 6224.0 6256.0 6265.0 6288.0 6330.0 6338.0 6487.0 6504.0 6533.0 6562.0 6581.0 6621.0 6631.0 6728.0 6736.0 6742.0 6743.0 6748.0 6878.0 6920.0 6921.0 6925.0 6933.0 6980.0 6985.0 6992.0 7390.0 7392.0 7630.0 7651.0 * 7655.0 7712.0 7757.0 7780.0 7848.0 7857.0 7898.0 7950.0 7957.0 7961.0 7965.0 7967.0 7976.0 8063.0 8135.0 8234.0 8323.0 8341.0 8521.0 8526.0 8556.0 8622.0 8736.0 8797.0 8805.0 8841.0 8845.0 8847.0 8858.0 8877.0 8917.0 8993.0 9057.0 9135.0 9137.0 9171.0 9192.0 9219.0 9227.0 9265.0 9297.0 9423.0 10004.0 10216.0 10352.0 10614.0 10642.0 10900.0 11246.0 11472.0 11490.0 12143.0 12251.0 12480.0 12960.0 13367.0 13972.0 14595.0 15808.0 15940.0 16202.0 16370.0 16730.0 19602.0 19606.0 22850.0 Italian Air Force 6748.0 8020.0 11235.0 11434.0 Italian Guardia di Finanza (USB) Also known as GuarFi, GdF, and Financial Police. 5785.0 6450.0 8190.0 12431.0 Italian Guardia di Finanza (LSB) [Often passes AMD string "DIAL4"] 6450.0 6600.0 8072.0 9085.0 9198.0 10295.0 10390.0 10400.0 12165.0 12175.0 13054.0 17970.0 20550.0 25930.0 Italian Navy 8316.2 Jordan "ADDRESS" Net All IDs are made up of ADDRESS plus 1-2 figures. 4550.0 6240.0 6580.0 7745.0 9870.0 KFOR, Kosovo The UN peacekeeping operation here remains active. The US has built a large command and supply base called the SCP (Southern Command Post) at Fort Bondsteel. Other militaries participate, assuming lead roles at times. 4700.0 6550.0 8401.2 8815.0 8850.0 8905.0 8935.0 8965.0 9005.0 9038.0 13315.0 Kyrgyzstan Military 4950.0 5295.0 5781.0 6337.0 6566.0 6980.0 7620.0 7777.0 7810.0 7910.0 7940.0 7970.0 10333.0 10697.0 Latvian Military 6848.0 7772.0 Libya Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA/GMMRA) Don't laugh, it's the world's largest water project, and in that part of Africa water is worth as much as oil. Also, there's been quite a bit of use by government assets following the war and subsequent chaos. 3000.0 3900.0 4050.0 4200.0 5037.0 5300.0 5368.0 5768.0 6800.0 6884.0 7000.0 7805.0 7820.0 7880.0 7900.0 8100.0 8200.0 8800.0 8880.0 9150.0 9218.0 9375.0 10125.0 10215.0 10250.0 10375.0 10404.0 10600.0 11100.0 Lithuanian Navy 6771.0 7650.0 7825.0 7988.5 8750.0 8765.0 8995.0 9150.0 9240.0 9315.0 11080.0 12177.0 13950.0 14447.0 14822.5 19128.0 Maltese Maritime Services 8207.0 12315.0 13118.0 16402.0 18204.0 22372.0 Mauritania Net 1 (Gendarmerie) 6566.0 6902.0 8055.0 9090.0 9120.0 8055.0 10033.0 11315.0 12313.0 12678.0 16112.0 Mauritania Net 2 (other military) 6566.0 6902.0 9120.0 5440.0 6678.0 6900.0 7014.0 7525.0 7940.0 8939.0 10015.0 11215.0 11340.0 16096.0 MBxx Net Most of the time people hear various 4-character addresses, calling MB01 or MB04. 2545.0 5822.0 6399.0 6833.0 7509.0 Mexican "Green Angels" (highway assistance) The coverage of this net and the antennas seen in photos both suggest that NVIS propagation is in use. It hasn't been reported in quite some time. 7563.0 7640.0 7790.0 7802.0 7815.0 7828.0 7920.0 9043.0 8115.0 8175.0 10364.0 10369.0 10803.0 Mexican Military The short skip range seems to indicate another NVIS net. IDs used are similar, and in some cases identical, to those formerly heard on the wider-coverage military net that went away a few years ago. Note that numeric IDs on 9120 are actually from Mauritania. The Mexican ones are alphanumeric. Barry Williams has done most of the work on this one. 6965.0 8888.0 9120.0 11100.0 11200.0 11900.0 Mexican Three-Character Net A new net discovered in August of 2017. Addresses are three alphanumerics. This net is a real mystery. The best guess is that it was some kind of demonstration or exercise, and that most of what we heard was engineering chatter. The net appears dead in 2018, but I'll leave it in for now. 7443.0 7465.0 7852.0 8335.0 9786.0 10424.0 (tentative) 11467.0 13702.0 14867.0 15969.0 17045.0 18475.0 Common with DACN? 20623.0 23390.0 Common with DACN? Missouri National Guard 4036.5 4537.5 4830.0 5233.5 7718.5 8065.0 9295.0 10740.0 Moroccan DGPC (Civil Defense) DGPC stands for Direction Generale de la Protection Civile. 3805.0 4040.0 4855.0 4855.0 5085.0 5792.0 5823.0 6500.0 7610.0 8600.0 9200.0 12065.0 16240.0 17435.0 18765.0 Moroccan Military 5258.0 5838.0 6562.0 7813.0 7814.3 8560.0 8875.0 10185.0 11130.0 12160.0 14550.0 16764.0 18555.0 20550.0 21145.0 22860.0 25120.0 25210.0 Moroccan Police & Gendarmes 5783.0 6690.0 6922.0 7692.0 9200.0 9825.0 10900.0 10945.0 11489.0 12065.0 15000.0 18275.0 18765.0 NATO This might be called the NC3A Net. 5418.0 6840.0 8060.0 NCTN, Arlington, VA 9052.0 90KNY (KNY 90) Netherlands Military 2732.0 3825.0 4005.5 4036.5 4492.5 4765.5 5321.5 5324.5 5333.5 5347.5 5387.5 5814.3 5835.5 6830.5 6836.5 6844.5 6930.0 6942.5 6979.0 7460.5 7513.5 7627.5 8085.5 8153.5 Nigerian Oil 8086.0 Nigerian Police 8001.0 8532.0 9110.0 9142.0 9245.0 9264.0 NS/EP A US emergency net mostly of stations at phone companies, using SECURE and other frequencies, with the National Telecommunications Alliance (NTA). 2289.0 3170.0 4610.5 5067.6 5313.6 6803.1 6861.0 7480.0 (SECURE calling channel) 7552.1 7697.1 7805.0 CA SECURE 9496.0 10155.0 11451.0 12223.6 12225.0 14360.0 15603.0 Operation SECURE See SECURE Pakistan Navy 8143.0 Pemex (Petr leos Mexicanos), Mexico PEMEX is the Mexican national oil company. It operates several large fields, and associated pipelines and equipment. It hasn't been reported in years. 5775.0 7450.0 8218.0 8291.1 9265.0 11095.0 Polish Military LIke Algeria and the CS-RS net, these people have an awful lot of frequencies. New ones are discovered regularly. They most likely are not using all the old ones, but some do get reused. Therefore, they've all been listed. As always, not all are used at any one time. Any list like this one will always be too long, and instantly obsolete. 3230.0 3338.5 3360.0 3503.0 4035.0 4053.0 4078.0 4291.5 4431.5 4583.0 4921.5 4926.0 5030.0 5089.0 5098.0 5131.5 5225.0 5246.5 5298.0 5316.5 5374.0 5398.5 5407.5 5414.0 5426.0 5434.0 5500.0 5811.0 5826.0 5872.5 5874.0 5933.0 6401.0 6451.0 6805.5 6809.5 6823.0 6848.0 6880.0 6903.0 6915.0 6933.5 6938.0 6950.0 6964.0 6974.0 6990.0 7331.0 7394.5 7430.0 7442.5 7472.0 7495.5 7604.0 7608.0 7676.0 7775.0 7786.0 7808.0 7835.0 7855.0 7996.0 8052.5 8113.5 8125.0 8191.0 8193.0 8401.2 8765.0 8765.0 8805.0 9069.0 9090.0 9228.0 9292.0 9300.0 9960.0 9971.0 9974.0 10370.0 10713.0 11475.0 11506.0 12127.0 12192.0 14400.0 14600.0 14696.7 Polish MSWiA Stands for "Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnetrznych i Administracji," the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration. 2358.0 3188.5 4920.5 5019.0 5317.5 6884.0 7492.5 7902.0 Romanian Mil/ Diplo/ Police 5060.0 Military 7655.0 Police 6765.0 6818.0 MFA 6938.0 Mil 8025.0 Police 8050.0 8066.0 MFA 8195.0 Police 9107.0 9168.0 Diplo 9309.0 Police 11168.7 Military 13468.0 16321.0 REDHWK This call is heard on these US National Guard frequencies, and also on COTHEN. Probably US Army National Guard in Arizona. 3195.0 3277.0 4035.0 4575.0 5066.5 5403.5 5851.5 7718.5 8184.5 9081.5 12000.0 RT3 Net (Thanks to Ron Perron) [US Government, but who??] 6318.5 8298.5 Russian 58xx Net 5095.0 5250.0 5410.0 5818.0 6820.0 SAC Net Probably US National Guard in the Western US. Calls all end in "SAC," probably "State Area Command." Nothing else known. 2540.0 3275.5 4537.5 4912.5 5396.5 6985.0 8139.0 9305.0 10819.5 12076.0 14523.0 16117.5 Saudi Arabian Air Force Stations can use USB or LSB. Not all freqs are used at any one time. Any list like this one will always be too long, and instantly obsolete. 2287.0 2655.0 2820.0 3175.0 3239.8 3241.0 3300.0 4455.8 4457.0 4555.0 4557.0 4593.0 4880.0 4900.0 4910.0 5125.0 5205.8 5305.0 5391.0 5404.0 5405.0 5420.0 5453.0 5750.0 5770.0 5846.0 6743.0 6815.0 6924.0 6933.0 6944.0 6982.0 7150.0 7482.0 7690.0 7765.0 7900.0 7950.0 7976.0 7990.0 8045.0 8085.0 8127.0 8133.0 8160.0 8172.0 8190.0 9085.0 9086.0 9106.0 9117.0 9120.0 9147.0 9160.0 9176.0 9183.0 9199.0 9210.0 9217.0 9271.0 10134.0 10135.0 10238.8 10240.0 10282.0 10299.0 10333.0 10345.0 Airfields Net 10366.0 10384.0 10468.0 10544.0 10677.0 10883.0 10970.0 11029.0 NE1, CO1 11090.0 11138.0 11161.0 11469.0 13048.0 13220.65 13224.0 13407.8 13409.0 Saudi Military 6944 9160 SECURE This is a national US emergency net, but based at the state level. Also known as Operation SECURE. Implementation varies from state to state. SECURE has been on occasion defined as an acronym for State Emergency Capability Using Radio Effectively. California calls it STACOM (STAte COMm) to avoid "confusion." The new US Dept. of Veterans Affairs (DVA) net uses two or so SECURE freqs. While SECURE authorizes ALE, most comm is still voice. 2226.0 2264.0 2326.0 2411.0 2414.0 2419.0 2422.0 2439.0 2450.0 2463.0 2466.0 2471.0 2474.0 2487.0 2511.0 2535.0 California OES 2569.0 2587.0 2726.0 2801.0 2804.0 2812.0 3201.0 3230.0 4460.0 4560.0 5135.0 5140.0 California OES 5168.9 5192.0 5195.0 7418.1 7477.0 7480.0 Interagency calling 7802.0 7805.0 7932.0 7935.0 New Hampshire SECURE SECURE is implemented differently from state to state. The NH ALE net seems to be for district EOCs to work headquarters or each other. The new Homeland Security "SECURE" net is landline, and not related. Where there are two frequencies, the difference looks right for USB offset ("dial/window") vs. assigned carrier frequency. (Thanks to Ron Perron, Jack Metcalfe, & Larry Van Horn) 2326.0 2414.0 5135.0 (also reported 5136.6) 5192.0 (also reported 5193.4) 7805.0 (also reported 7806.4) Russian 58xx Net All addresses logged so far have 4 figures starting with "58." 3625.0 3955.0 4030.0 4100.0 4120.0 4555.0 4565.0 4970.0 4985.0 5057.0 5095.0 5235.0 5250.0 5410.0 5420.0 5815.0 6280.0 6589.0 10630.0 11063.0 14450.0 14828.0 16058.0 SHARES This is a frequency pool to enable stations from 20+ US Federal agencies to interoperate for the purpose of drills, weekly nets (Wednesday mornings, local time), and periodic activations for national security or natural disaster situations. All frequencies remain assigned to their agencies. Many stations will be found on other frequencies as well, notably MARS and FEMA. Some of the frequencies on this list may no longer be used. The ones known to be active have a *. There are probably others. 4458.0 * 4490.0 * 4618.0 * 4990.0 * 5063.5 5429.0 * 5711.0 5760.0 * 6765.0 * 6800.0 6845.0 * 7391.5 7403.5 * 7554.5 * 7642.0 7791.0 * 7991.0 * 9057.0 9064.0 9106.0 * 11108.0 11217.0 13242.0 11426.5 * 14396.5 (Also voice primary) * 14928.5 * 15094.0 17458.5 * 17487.0 20107.0 26812.0 SITFAA (Sistema de Informatica y Telecommunicaciones de las Fuerzas Aereas Americanas) It is not known whether SITFAA exists any more. 4503.5 4764.0 7317.0 7935.0 8061.0 8067.0 11547.0 13217.0 13897.0 13921.0 14640.0 14643.0 14646.0 14649.0 15675.0 18367.5 18370.5 18373.5 18376.5 19497.0 19500.0 20860.0 24860.0 Six-Number Net Unknown agency, with addresses like 222222,555555, and 888888. This one hasn't been heard in a while. 5150.0 5300.0 5700.0 6798.0 6800.0 6900.0 7700.0 8457.0 14452.0 14455.0 Slovak Military 4503.0 4930.0 5033.0 5130.0 5281.0 5747.0 5349.0 5760.0 6123.0 6320.0 6510.0 7523.0 7550.0 7610.0 7624.0 7629.0 7803.0 8130.0 9085.0 Slovenian Military 5806.0 8700.0 9377.0 Spanish Police/ Guardia Civil TXX2 is HQ, Madrid 4561.0 4874.0 4988.0 5007.0 5286.0 5352.0 5379.0 5865.0 5892.0 7494.0 7638.0 8025.0 8151.0 9097.0 10182.0 Spanish Military This may have been an exercise. 10515.0 STAL1 Net Little is known about this one. It gets reported over a wide area of the Northern Hemisphere. 5211 is also used by FEMA. 3777.0 5211.0 6692.6 10815.0 10819.5 Swedish MFA 6980.0 10581.0 10587.0 12225.0 16105.0 18945.0 18945.0 20958.0 23584.0 Swedish Military 4627.0 4876.0 5071.0 5182.0 5287.0 5788.0 5802.0 6942.0 6948.0 7438.0 7639.0 7939.0 9136.0 Swiss Forces 6813.0 9187.0 Swiss MFA Usually link protected. 4545.0 5105.0 9166.0 9177.0 9185.0 9308.0 18360.0 Taiwanese Navy That's the best guess on this net, which uses LSB. Its old ID scheme was weird 5-letter made up words that changed periodically, advancing in the alphabet each time. The net used a different ID system for a time, but currently it's back to the old one. The IDs look more random now, after the sequential first letter. 5118.5 (Approximate) 7657.0 7762.0 8051.0 8777.0 8895.0 9169.0 9202.0 9392.0 10180.0 10660.0 10754.0 11180.5 11218.0 12026.0 12288.0 14349.0 14350.0 14420.0 14919.0 16000.0 17460.0 17470.0 17480.0 16180.0 18031.7 18035.0 Tunisian MOI 10113.0 10176.0 11111.0 12140.0 13945.0 14700.0 15284.0 17467.0 Tunisian Military & Police 4035.0 5091.0 7954.0 8180.0 8014.0 Turkish AFAD (emergency management/civil defense) This net has a dizzying number of stations, all with numeric IDs. On 2 Jun 2015, I heard soundings by 25 different IDs in 50 minutes. Some of this activity appears to be telemetry of radio condition. One active subnet does Global Allcalls with Codan addresses mostly ending in "013" or "018." 5035.0 5242.0 5268.0 5971.0 6795.0 6821.0 Also Red Crescent 6831.0 6921.0 7617.0 7620.0 7892.0 7993.5 8056.5 8092.0 8150.0 8412.5 8656.0 8918.0 8950.0 9040.0 9045.0 9164.0 9180.0 9240.0 9360.0 10165.0 10175.0 11500.0 12209.0 12459.0 12352.0 13270.0 Turkish Emergency Net 5250.0 6748.0 Turkish Red Crescent 5242.0 5268.0 6821.0 Also AFAD 6778.0 7810.0 7868.0 9045.0 10160.0 11500.0 12110.0 UK DHFCS (Defence HF Communications System) This network was new in 2006, and it has expanded rapidly to a huge number of frequencies. It is roughly similar to the US Air Force SCOPE Command network upgrade, with a few years for the technology to further evolve. XSS, Forest Moor, is net control. A subnet is called TASCOMM (Terrestrial Air-Sea Communications). Not all freqs are used at any one time. Any list like this one will always be too long, and instantly obsolete. 2197.5 2216.0 2431.0 2451.5 2451.5 2537.0 2598.0 2649.0 2705.0 2784.0 3086.0 3170.0 3226.0 3236.5 3326.0 3385.5 3503.5 3935.0 4047.5 4168.5 4239.5 4251.5 4258.5 4275.5 4354.0 4372.0 4510.0 4621.5 4703.0 4706.0 4715.0 4733.0 4845.0 5080.0 5268.5 5295.0 5421.0 5466.0 5808.0 6225.0 6251.0 6416.5 6462.0 6522.0 6691.0 6694.0 6706.0 6783.5 6845.0 6865.0 6873.5 6992.0 7535.0 7539.0 7567.5 7575.0 7680.0 7860.0 8107.0 8125.0 8165.5 8182.0 8408.5 8494.0 8532.5 8773.0 8980.0 9019.0 9022.0 9136.0 9286.0 9905.0 10150.0 10344.5 10351.0 10420.0 10442.0 10575.0 10893.5 11208.0 11217.0 11223.0 12230.0 12297.0 12313.0 12417.5 12663.0 12896.0 13179.0 13423.5 13552.0 14455.0 14485.5 14508.5 14511.0 14805.5 14968.0 15040.0 15832.0 16132.0 16148.0 16321.0 16357.0 16402.0 18210.0 18403.5 18615.0 18875.0 20423.5 22571.0 25531.0 UK Military 3591.0 5684.0 6724.0 11178.0 17460.0 UK Military/Diplo 6845.0 6945.0 13149.0 14814.0 14841.0 15603.0 15877.0 16640.0 16934.0 17490.0 18277.0 19977.0 20602.0 21867.0 23822.0 UK Misc. 9215.0 9230.0 9286.0 Ukraine Military or OSCE Sometimes called the "x10" net, because many of the addresses consist of a letter plus "10." 4751.5 5754.5 6909.0 6926.0 6927.0 6928.0 6929.0 6930.0 7805.0 7766.5 10417.5 11153.0 Unknown A catch-all for hits that I have not identified yet. 3831.5 3843.0 4119.0 4015 4855.0 408 clg 576 5025.0 GOLFBRTP clg G01 5048.5 5112.0 WTK clg ALE2GMWRP 5120.0 2771 snd 5132.0 102 clg 142 5135.0 813099 5205.0 LIS wkg XGY 5256.0 CNC calling CM3 5299.0 Clg BAB 5400.2 XLA clg XLB 5424.0 5B clg 3PB 5446.0 5530.0 1016 5732.5 LMR clg SUB 5830.0 9004 5838.0 ABC7 clg ABD1 5893.0 POC clg ZOC 6350.0 6450.0 100, 307, 1227 snd 6535.0 2001 clg 1226 6550.0 NE1 clg CO1 6668.0 6684.5 6845.0 10 wkg 1xxx, 20, also Codan 6850.5 6854.0 6912.0 YDM clg QZO 6953.0 3G ALE 6968.0 3G ALE 6980.0 10 clg 20 6981.5 CIW Probably a CFARS partial decode 6983.0 2044 clg 278 7380.0 7416.0 7436.0 P1B clg M3B 7461.5 Link protected 7490.0 PR1 clg PR6 7660.0 NE1 clg CO1, R8 clg R5 7607.0 50S clg 21S 7642.5 DEN clg SHM, BDR Colorado? 7692.0 4WP clg 4OE 7719.0 WCD clg SGT 7736.0 3331 snd (LSB) 7739.0 146410 7761.0 6011 7822.0 COU clg SAT 7967.0 7975.0 X17 clg X14 7996.0 8000.0 BSAS, 965 CS/RS Net? 8008.0 2060 clg 2000 8015.0 278 8018.0 Clg 238 8040.0 8041.0 9001 8075.0 8100.0 8114.0 303 clg 686 8150.0 10xxNet 8165.0 clg 164 8171.5 US 8174.0 AC01, mil using 39-tone 8180.0 3xxx 8183.0 231, 118, etc. 8201.0 4111 8255.0 NATO trigraphs 8275.0 145 lqa 8276.0 Link protected 8556.2 Mil 8640.0 4-figure 8781.5 CN5 8792.0 135 8796.0 904 8818.0 8820.0 9009 8855.0 SY02, 3232 8864.0 2008, 1013 8871.0 1102, 6713 8880.0 8401 8929.0 1006 8946.5 8948.5 8971.0 FND 8975.3 8984.0 KF01 clg ND01 9013.0 MSX, poss RC Paris 9019.0 9025.5 9034.0 9207 Net 9037.5 9040.0 111801 snd 9046.0 5601 9050.0 x0x Net 9051.0 9055.0 88551 9060.5 9070.0 055 9106.0 2144, TUG, Z38 9140.0 9196.0 9216.5 9245.0 2xxx Net 9260.0 2xxx Net 9274.0 C29, K20, K45 9312.0 0316 (LSB) 9961.5 C80 clg D86 9971.8 C80 clg D86 10000.0 BSAS CS/RS Net? 10200.0 10429.0 1072 clg 1608 11025.0 3-figure 11120.0 499 11353.0 5601, LQA with 20001 11357.5 11403.0 781 lqa 775 11412.0 11440.0 CVZ 11472.0 11500.0 003 11500.0 xxxNETx Net 13255.0 TARB & TGSAB 13300.0 1111 13925.0 6-figure 14000.0 BS303B clg BS303A 14100.0 N. Africa 14405.0 781 lqa 775 14508.0 14605.0 14720.0 xxxNETx Net 14800.0 CVZ calling HA1, HA3 15855.0 781 lqa 775 15888.0 940101 16011.0 6202, 6207, IFBUIFSHSBIBN 16468.1 GUN, PHR, SHL; likely USMC 18594.0 20001 snd 20200.0 N. Africa 20540.0 023NET2, etc US Air Force (NIPRNET) NIPRNET is Non-Secure Internet Protocol Routing NETwork, a separate military data network for unclassified but sensitive information. Data gateways add NPR to the basic ALE address. 5684.0 8965.0 13242.0 17973.0 US Air Force (SCOPE Command) SCOPE Command is a global radio system which allows remote or local control of stations. It does not replace the High-Frequency Global Communications System, which is still voice. 2805.0 3059.0 4721.0 5708.0 6721.0 7632.0 9025.0 10176.0 10218.5 11226.0 11250.0 13215.0 13242.0 15043.0 15091.0 18003.0 20125.0 23337.0 27870.0 US Air Force (SIPRNET) SIPRNET is Secure Internet Protocol Routing NETwork, a separate military data network for classified information. Data gateways add SPR to the basic ALE address. 5702.0 6715.0 8968.0 11181.0 15091.0 17976.0 27870.0 US Air Force Special Ops (Eglin AFB/Hurlburt Field, FL) This net was quite active in mid-2018. EGLIN is one of the addresses used. Hurlburt sounds in AQC-ALE, with the call sign suppressed. 4625.0 Hurlburt 5100.0 ? 7500.0 Hurlburt 8425.0 Eglin 8501.4 Both 10476.4 Eglin 12100.0 Hurlburt 12501.4 Both 13465.0 Hurlburt 14774.4 Eglin 14980.0 Hurlburt USACE (US Army Corps of Engineers) US Army Engineers are still on HF. Soundings continue in 2019. 3345.0 Ch. 1 5015.0 2 5327.5 3 5400.0 4 5437.5 5 6020.0 6 6785.0 7 9122.5 8 11693.5 9 12070.0 10 12122.0 11 12267.0 13925.6 16077.0 12 16326.0 13 16358.0 14 16382.0 20659.0 15 US Army Aviation, Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo Used to ID as TSCP, then as SCPTOC. Sounds every half hour. 6550.0 8815.0 8850.0 8905.0 8935.0 8965.0 9005.0 9038.0 13315.0 US Army Frequencies change with different operations, training, etc. Some of these are probably no longer used. 4520.0 4575.0 5126.0 6700.0 6911.5 EAATS 6969.7 6985.0 Army Aviation 7310.0 160th SOAR 7448.5 Ft. Bragg 7625.0 7961.0 8029.5 8056.0 8171.5 EAATS 8180.4 1-140 Avn 9023.5 9068.5 9119.5 9145.0 9190.0 9295.0 Also National Guard 9990.0 10176.0 10408.0 10691.5 11173.0 11346.0 11446.5 Ft. Bragg 11576.0 12068.5 16078.5 16320.0 Ft. Bragg 20678.0 20965.5 Ft. Bragg US Army Continuity Of Operations 5088.5 6767.5 6985.0 7510.0 8047.0 US Army MARS AAZ / "Desert Eagle" is the HQ at Ft. Huachuca, AZ. This list shows 2018 frequencies only. 3272.0 7953.0 9940.5 11105.0 Common with other MARS and CFARS US Army MARS R01 Net R01 is possibly affiliated with US Army MARS and its new national operations capability out of Ft. Huachuca in AZ. FEMA has been heard sounding here as well. 3286.0 4438.5 6910.0 Also a SHARES voice frequency 7431.5 7639.5 9808.5 11105.0 Common with other MARS and CFARS 12070.5 12147.0 13503.5 14487.0 14846.5 15777.5 16039.5 17457.5 17500.0 18293.5 20104.5 Possibly 20104.0 US MARS New Interop Net This one is mysterious. Calls are usually 3 letters, made up of M plus two figures or H plus two letters. Some traditional Army and Air Force MARS calls are also heard, in the MARS reversed format. Finally, there are several 6-letter calls, often ending in ---CLR. The initial ALE linking is sometimes followed by traffic in a variety of amateur digital modes. 4438.5 5399.5 5763.0 6907.0 6910.0 8037.0 9290.0 10163.5 11454.0 13478.0 14487.0 16039.5 17545.0 20973.5 US Army National Guard Keep in mind that the National Guard can appear all over HF. Some frequencies are reused, while some are temporary. This list is not even close to what's out there. 2240.0 3032.0 4924.5 5847.0 6882.6 7625.0 7720.0 State HQs 8047.0 8098.5 9293.5 9895.0 State HQs 10015.0 10765.0 State HQs 10816.5 11694.5 11697.5 State HQs 12087.0 13568.0 13580.5 14653.0 16338.5 17458.5 17501.5 State HQs 19233.5 20906.0 26697.0 US Army National Guard 238th Aviation This net was quite persistent in late 2016. The inclusion of a FEMA primary channel might give some indication of its purpose. 3246.5 3277.0 4443.5 4780.0 4886.5 5211.0 Also FEMA 5301.0 5781.5 5848.5 7361.5 8181.5 US Coast Guard (District 9 net, Ohio) (This net may be dead) 3163.4 5423.9 6234.6 6889.6 7530.0 7629.1 8126.4 9278.5 10373.6 11043.6 USCG TISCOM [Telecommunications & Information Systems Command] 3053.0 4730.0 6709.0 8980.0 9034.0 11196.0 13221.0 15082.0 17988.0 20135.5 23072.6 US Defense Logistics Agency (Thanks to Jack Metcalfe) 5063.5 6908.5 8056.0 9121.0 11576.5 12068.5 16078.5 17458.5 20907.5 24740.0 US Department of Agriculture 14955.0 US Department of the Interior These are used by the Fish and Wildlife Service. 3371.6 7661.3 9394.6 11597.6 15974.6 18502.6 US Department of State (DoS) 4553.6 5748.6 * 6902.6 * 8058.6 * 8084.6 9106.0 10733.6 * 11168.6 * 11217.6 11472.6 13503.6 * 15043.0 16283.6 * 16358.6 16836.6 18248.6 * 18944.6 20810.6 * 24883.6 * US Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) This is an ambitious new emergency backup system which uses Codan (Australian) base and mobile radios at Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facilities nationwide. It has been referred to as the VHA RHFRN (Resilient HF Radio Network). Hubs work stations at associated sites. IDs have 4-6 numeric figures, with the longer ones likely being a Codan data telemetry mode such as heard on the Turkish AFAD. Sometimes site call signs such as WAX60 are seen. 26871.6 was discovered in mid-2018, and it has been verified here. 2025.6 2726.0 Also SECURE 3355.1 3393.6 5038.5 6981.1 7480.0 Also SECURE & Red Cross 10389.6 14441.6 15628.6 17492.6 20200.1 22921.6 26871.6 US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 5860.0 6840.0 6870.0 7475.0 7611.0 8125.0 9114.0 9914.0 11637.0 13312.0 13457.0 13630.0 15851.0 16348.0 24550.0 US Federal BCU Net Addresses are prefix + BCU + number (possibly FEMA region). BCU likely stands for Biosurveillance Coordination Unit. 7348.0 10493.0 12112.0 13935.0 14567.0 US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) This used to be a busy net. Now traffic seems limited to the occasional sounding and exercise comms. 2808.5 4991.0 5058.5 5388.5 7778.5 7903.5 "Channel 5" 9183.5 10913.5 11073.5 14493.5 14532.5 15953.5 18171.0 18666.0 19344.5 US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) FEMA has gotten huge. The numbers 0-9 are the regions, and subsequent letter/ figure triplets refer to nets that are organized for national, regional, auxiliary, mobile, and state EOC use. The most active frequencies are in the FNARS (FEMA NAtional Radio System). They have a star (*). 2685.0 * Common with ARINC UrgentLink 3341.0 * 3388.0 4030.0 Region IV 4442.0 4603.0 * 4780.0 5135.0 5211.0 5402.0 5702.0 5711.0 5821.0 6049.0 6809.0 6995.0 Region IV 7348.0 * 7428.0 Region VIII 7806.4 7870.0 8023.0 8050.0 9414.5 9445.0 Region VIII 9462.0 * 9837.0 Region IV 10194.0 * 10202.0 10358.0 * 10448.0 Region VIII 10493.0 10588.0 * 10899.0 10928.0 * 11035.0 * 11108.0 Region VIII 11130.0 11448.0 11801.0 11957.0 12116.0 * 12129.0 Region IV 12216.0 * 12270.0 13008.0 Region VIII 13437.0 Common with 5-Character Net 13446.0 * 13488.0 13894.0 13935.0 Region IV 14450.0 * 14567.0 14776.0 * 14836.0 14871.0 Region IV 14885.0 * 14899.0 Region VIII 15094.0 15658.0 15708.0 * 16201.0 Region VIII & X 16314.0 Region IV 17487.0 Also SHARES 17519.0 19969.0 * Common with ARINC UrgentLink 20361.0 21866.0 * 22983.0 Region IV 24526.0 US Five-Character Net (DACN) Recent activity indicates a good possibility of this one being the FEMA Department and Agency Continuity Net (DACN). ALE addresses are mixed 5-character groups.This net shows a certain affinity to the Three-Letter Net (below).In early 2020, both of them activated in the same week. 4610.0 4979.0 5837.0 7870.0 10424.0 11448.0 11587.5 ? 12109.0 13437.0 16011.0 18475.0 20361.0 23390.0 US Three-Letter Net This mysterious net activates once a month. It is suspected to be some kind of DoD or FEMA interoperability network for military and government assets to pass traffic related to continuity of government (COG) or operations (COO). The stations use different IDs on other networks. Here, all addresses have three letters. After an apparent hiatus, this net is again quite active in 2019. Some have suggested that the 3-letter codes come from airport designators, but known locations of some transmitters make this unlikely. 4446.6 4934.1 5690.0 5772.0 6809.0 7325.0 7469.0 8045.6 8964.0 9019.0 9190.0 10577.0 11238.0 11438.6 12103.0 12270.0 13438.6 15037.0 16090.0 18021.0 19458.6 20401.6* 23265.0 25441.6 27692.6 US "KLE" Net All stations have addresses KLExxx. Unknown US Government. 2552.4 4947.9 5241.7 7971.9 9352.2 10874.3 12188.6 US Marine Corps It's always a good catch to hear US Marines, because their nets come and go. They can generally be distinguished by the use of very long addresses which are usually contractions of tactical unit names. Here are some 2016-19 hits. 2112.5 2654.5 5078.5 5153.5 5801.5 6784.0 6798.0 7593.5 7645.0 7677.0 7726.5 7962.0 11113.0 11143.0 19160.5 19162.0 19163.5 LSB US MARS MARS (Military Auxiliary Radio System) is a quasi- amateur group which supports various military activities. The Navy/Marine Corps branch has been terminated, but Army and Air Force are going strong. MARS frequencies can change frequently, as a security measure. 2046.5 3349.0 4765.0 5158.0 5399.5 6907.0 6800.0 6910.0 7391.5 7791.0 7642.0 9224.0 11098.5 13473.5 13503.5 20740.0 27736.0 US National Guard JOC Net Many IDs end in JOC, presumably standing for Joint Operations Center. Not all freqs are used at any one time. 4540.0 5208.0 5875.0 6985.5 7310.0 7420.0 7549.0 7720.0 8045.0 9019.0 9235.5 9895.0 10321.0 10585.0 10740.0 10765.0 10767.5 11439.0 11697.5 12070.5 12212.0 13540.0 13569.5 14483.5 14654.5 14738.5 14833.5 14885.0 17478.5 17501.5 18180.0 Active 7/2018 19079.5 19235.0 22547.0 23107.5 26701.5 US National Guard TOC Net This net appears to be used by NG for engineering ops, especially after floods, tornado outbreaks, etc. Most IDs end in "TOC" (Tactical Operations Center). 4927.5 4440.0 (Also VA Defense Force) 6295.3 6534.0 6785.0 ? 6985.5 8000.0 8058.5 9065.0 9145.0 9295.0 10151.5 10703.0 10818.0 11998.5 12163.5 16120.0 US National Guard TC189 Net 4820.0 5782.0 6885.0 7819.0 9100.0 (overlaps 3LN) 10235.0 12076.0 US National Guard WMD-CST This stands for Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team. The mission is obvious from the name. 4450.5 5208.0 5875.0 7420.0 9235.5 14738.5 US National Public Health Radio Network (NPHRN) This is for the Centers for Disease Control, and possibly other agencies. The frequencies changed a while back, and as of 2016 the net is largely dormant for lack of funding. (Old net) 8023.0 9414.5 13488.0 12164.0 15658.0 (New net) 3197.5 3221.5 4825.5 4914.5 7441.5 9250.5 10595.5 US Postal Service This net is listed as for use by postal inspectors. It seems to have re-activated, but not many stations have been heard on it yet. 4488.0? 4805.0? 5731.5 6816.5 6820.5 7583.5 8076.5 10257.5 11147.5 13419.0 14882.0 18731.5 20042.0 Utah National Guard/ Air National Guard UPDATED 1/23/23 This 3-character net is heard best in the SW US. All signals are LSB. 6985 7525 7819 8065 9065 9121 10154.5 10819.5 11550 12076 12170 14523 14681.5 18599.4 24130 24870 26740 Uzbekistan 5113.0 5270.5 5440.0 Net 2 5515.0 5700.0 6310.0 6320.0 6764.0 Net B 6800.0 7700.0 7906.0 Net B 7960.0 8066.0 Net B 8242.0 Net B 8513.5 9034.0 9055.0 9300.0 Venezuelan Military (thanks to Ron Perron & Mike Chace-Ortiz) Still on, though changes are frequent. Not all freqs are used at any one time. 2354.0 4453.0 5406.0 6360.0 (LSB) 6732.0 (LSB) 6786.0 6875.0 ? 6888.0 (LSB) 6961.5 7399.0 7516.0 7597.0 7810.0 7849.0 7896.0 8026.0 8050.0 8060.0 8178.0 8181.0 8280.0 8285.0 8500.0 8859.0 9052.0 9065.0 9184.5 9232.0 9259.0 9289.0 9310.0 10115.0 10156.0 10396.0 10558.0 10650.0 11130.0 12185.0 12191.0 12195.0 12200.0 13449.0 13455.0 13464.0 13475.0 13506.0 14569.0 14647.0 15600.0 Venezuelan Navy (LSB) There's a lot of interest in this service as the situation deteriorates in this country. There's a better list in Larry Van Horn's milcom column in the March TSM. 4390.0 5840.0 5845.1 ? 6220.0 6260.0 6248.0 (usually voice & 110A) 6335.0 6360.0 8298.0 8340.0 8550.0 8785.0 8810.0 9017.0 10650.0 10658.0 14790.0 15540.0 16740.0 17380.0 Virginia Defense Force 4440.0 5877.0 8047.0 9119.5 Washington Gas & Light (LSB) This is a utility company headquartered in Washington, DC, serving several adjacent areas. 4650.0 4700.0 5312.0 5315.0 5509.0 6785.0 7475.0 7795.0 9200.0 WH2XOO This is an experimental FCC license to the Scientific Research Corporation, for work on an unknown contract for an HF broadband data mode. The ALE is on the center frequencies of these wider authorizations. Four sites in the Southern US are licensed, though only one is active at the time of writing. 4548.5 4898.5 5298.5 5798.5 6848.5 7798.5 9248.5 10598.5 12148.5 13498.5 14698.5 15898.5 19398.5 20498.5 24298.5 WQLE815 This call sign is licensed to NVIS Communications. Its authorization states, "90.35 - Provide emergency and backup communications when public wireline and wireless facilities are not available nationwide." A number of ALE addresses have been used on-air, most postpended after "WQLE815." HF uses Barrett radios (Australian) that are designed for close-in NVIS propagation. The ranges given for low frequencies are due to authorization for spread spectrum, though single-frequency ALE has been heard. It is possible that some operations are offset 1.4 kHz below the channel centers specified in international listings, and this list reflects that. It might be worth trying the non-offset too. 2194.0 - 2495.0 3155.0 - 3400.0 4438.0 - 4650.0 4610.6 5005.0 - 5450.0 5061.6 5067.6 5968.6 6713.6 6803.1 6888.1 6765.0 - 7000.0 7300.0 - 8100.0 9496.0 11451.0 12223.6 14358.6 15603.0 18033.6 20093.6 27488.6 WQMI660 This is the AAOA Communication Division, Bentonville, AR. Its FCC license states that its purpose as to "Provide emergency and backup communications when public wireline and wireless facilities are not available within the central United States." In particular, some of the 40 available frequencies are being tested in Arkansas.These tests use the call WQMI660, plus a 3-4 letter code for the location. These frequencies have been heard active: 4548.6 4647.0 5313.6 6806.1 7552.1 Wyoming Army National Guard 7805.0 8050.0 10821.0 XPU Net Not much known; possibly Algerian. XPU seems to be control. It's not the same station as the XPU on the UK DHFCS. 7840.0 8630.0 8975.0 10425.0 16520.0 ========================================================================== 2: Call Signs ("Addresses") ========================================================================== An ALE "address" is the name of a participating station as recognized by the network. A few correspond to international callsigns, but most are different. Many are more descriptive, incorporating abbreviated locations and unit types. The original ALE standard only allowed very short addresses of 3 alphanumerics, but successive revisions have allowed much longer ones. ALE accomplishes this by placing the first 3 characters in the TIS and TWS words, as in the original standard, but passing all subsequent ones in DATA and/or REPEAT words immediately after. Due to signal fading, These are not always received in order, and sometimes PC-ALE messes up their reassembly. ALL 3-letter IDs copied with PC-ALE or the ALE extension to KiwiSDR should be considered suspect until you know they are the real thing. Since there are now thousands of ALE addresses in use worldwide, and some of these change almost weekly, any list such as this one is inherently very dated. New addresses are added, but obsolete ones are not dropped. There is no good way to know which ones won't come back, as we have seen recently with some stations in the former Mexican Army and Chilean emergency nets. x = letter # = number digit 0-9 - = varies ##A USCG Response Boats - Medium ##B USCG Response Boats - Medium ##C USCG Unknown floating asset ##D USCG Unknown floating asset ##E USCG Unknown floating asset ##F USCG Likely long range interceptor boats ##G USCG Response Boats - Medium ##M USCG Response Boats - Medium ##X USCG HC-27J numbers 27xx ##Z USCG District ## Ops @?@ System Global Allcall 00# USCG HC-130J 200# 000 USAF Unknown 00011 Brazilian Army Unknown 001 USCG HC-130J # 2001 002 USCG HC-130J # 2002 003 USCG HC-130J # 2003 004 USCG HC-130J # 2004 005 USCG HC-130J # 2005 006 USCG HC-130J # 2006 007 USCG HC-130J # 2007 009 USCG HC-130J # 2009 010MDR ARINC UrgentLink Marina Del Rey, CA 015ANP ARINC UrgentLink Annapolis, obsolete 016ANP ARINC UrgentLink Annapolis, obsolete 017ANP ARINC UrgentLink Annapolis, MD 019ZYX ARINC UrgentLink Unknown 01D USCG Unknown 01Z USCG District 1 Ops 03B USCG Response Boat-Medium 45603 03F USCG Likely tactical ID 03X COTHEN Remote Directional Transmitter, NE (obsolete) 049### German Red Cross 04M USCG Response Boat-Medium 45704 04Z USCG District 4 Ops 05Z USCG District 5 Ops 07X USCG Likely HC-27J #2707 07Z USCG District 7 "Miami Ops" on COTHEN 087 Mexico Green Angels Mobile 08Z USCG District 8 Ops 09X USCG Likely HC-27J #2709 0CAMP0 US Army Unknown 0JOC UT Natl Guard Homeland Response Force Joint Ops 1###BPA Wash State Bonneville Power Authority 1000 Italy Guardia Financial 1009 US DVA RHFRN 1010 US DVA RHFRN 101BUR ARINC UrgentLink Burbank, obsolete 1020 Turkey Red Crescent 103SCC ARINC UrgentLink LASD, CA obsolete 104LKW ARINC UrgentLink LASD, CA obsolete 10536 US DVA RHFRN 105LAN ARINC UrgentLink LASD, CA obsolete 106001 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 106003 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 111111 USAF Unknown aircraft 11STREET Wash Gas & Light Washington, DC 11X USCG Likely C-27J #2711 11Z USCG District 11 Ops 123 Mexican Army Possibly MoD 123 Varies ALE default on some new radios 123456 Turkey Possible default 123466 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 12W USCG Possible tactical 13262 Moroccan Police 13536 US DVA RHFRN 13X USCG Likely C-27J #2713 13Z USCG District 13 Ops 140OPS US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network 14N CBP Cessna 550 #N4614N 14Z USCG District 14 Ops 1501 Colombian Army Phone patch net 151 US Natl. Guard 1536 US DVA RHFRN 1602 Colombian Army Phone patch net 1616 US DVA RHFRN 162001 Turkey AFAD 168OPS US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network 170031 USAF C-5A 17Z USCG District 17 Ops 190006 US Air Force Unknown aircraft 1901 Colombian Army Phone autopatch facility 19536 US DVA RHFRN 1AWAAT US Army MARS AAT1AW 1BCTBCODIVCMD US Army Division Cmd 1CDAAT US Army MARS AAT1CD 1DGAAR US Army MARS AAR1DG 1VR XPU Net Algerian? 1XV7 Venezuelan Navy Possible frigate "Almirante Brion" 20001 Iranian Net 2002 DVA Unknown 200203 UK Royal AF C-17 201077 USAF U-2S 201092 USAF U-2S 2011 Morocco Police 204KNADVA US DVA RHFRN Washington, DC 207 Singapore Navy HQ 2205 Morocco Police 221103 USAF C-17A #02-1103 228FWD US Army 1/228th Avn, Honduras (JTF-S) 22M USCG Response Boat-Medium 45722 238OPS NGB JOC Net Unknown 23B COTHEN Unknown 23KNZ NTCN Atlanta, GA KNZ23 240 Chinese Mil 2411 Morocco DRPC 244 Georgia Border guards 25C COTHEN Unknown 262 Mexico Green Angels Mobile 27X COTHEN NE remote transmitter 280329 USAF Unknown 291 DLA Richmond, VA 293 DLA Ft. Belvoir, VA 294 DLA Columbus, OH 297 DLA Philadelphia, PA 298 DLA Philadelphia, PA 299 DLA New Cumberland, PA 2KZ9 Venezuelan Navy LST "Capana" (T-61) 2PEF01 Brazilian Army Likely Pelot o Especial de Fronteira 2TB9 Venezuelan Navy LST "Goajira" (T-63) 3## USCG HC-144s #2303 - at least 2318 302 DLA Stockton, CA 302 USCG HC-144A #2302, ATC Mobile 303 DLA Bremerton, Wa, SHARES SCS Northwest 3031 US DVA RHFRN 3033 US DVA RHFRN 306 DLA Boston, MA 3071 Turkish CD Istanbul 309 DLA Battle Creek, MI 31#### Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 311013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 311018 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 3114 Algeria Sonatrach 312 USCG Cutter "Sanibel" WPB-1312 3127 Algeria Sonatrach 316013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 317013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 318003 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 318018 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 32#### Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 328013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 329018 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 33#### Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 332013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 333013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 334013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 335013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 34#### Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 340018 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 344013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 345013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 348013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 34B USCG Response Boat-Medium #45634 35#### Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 352013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 355013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 357013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 358013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 359013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 36#### Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 363018 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 368013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 368018 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 37#### Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 373013 Turkey AFAD/Civil Defense 3BCTBCODIVCMD US Army Division Cmd 3LV1M US Army 3PCM US Army 3SK5 Venezuelan Navy 3SQN3ACCMD US Army 3XV5 Venezuelan Navy 40001-40012 Mauritania Military? 4001 Algeria Sonatrach 4038 US DVA RHFRN 4040 US DVA RHFRN 4050 US DVA RHFRN 41FABG US Army V Corps 41st Field Artillery Bde 4204 Algeria Sonatrach 4212 Algeria Sonatrach 4227 Algeria Sonatrach 4237 Algeria Sonatrach 437FEMAUX FEMA Auxiliary station 438FEMAUX FEMA Auxiliary station, VA 441FEMAUX FEMA Auxiliary station 446FEMAUX FEMA Heard on SHARES 44MED US Army 44th Medical Bde 453009 Australia Fire Department 453FEMAUX FEMA Ohio State EOC, Columbus 4590 US DVA RHFRN 4591 DVA Unknown 4630 US DVA RHFRN 46E COTHEN Unknown, likely USCG 474201 Australia Fire Department 4XG11011 Unknown Exercises, wkg JAXTEST01, FL 4XG44004 Unknown Exercises, wkg JAXTEST01, FL 4ZO Moroccan Gendarmerie 5## USCG HC-130 CG number 15## 500 USCG HC-130H CG 1500 501 USCG HC-130H CG 1501 5011 US DVA RHFRN 5012 US DVA RHFRN Loma Linda, CA 502 USCG HC-130H CG 1502 5020 US DVA RHFRN 503 USCG HC-130H CG 1503 504 USCG HC-130H CG 1504 5060 US DVA RHFRN 5090 US DVA RHFRN 5091 US DVA RHFRN 51011 Brazilian Army Unknown 5150 US DVA RHFRN 5161 US DVA RHFRN 5162 US DVA RHFRN 5163 US DVA RHFRN 5190 US DVA RHFRN 52011 Brazilian Army Unknown 5210 US DVA RHFRN 523506 USAF KC-135 #62-3506 5282 US DVA RHFRN 5285 US DVA RHFRN 5286 US DVA RHFRN 5287 US DVA RHFRN 5290 US DVA RHFRN 5310 US DVA RHFRN 5311 US DVA RHFRN 5312 US DVA RHFRN 5313 US DVA RHFRN 5370 US DVA RHFRN 5390 US DVA RHFRN 5400 US DVA RHFRN 5420 US DVA RHFRN 5440 US DVA RHFRN 5500 US DVA RHFRN 5520 US DVA RHFRN 5530 US DVA RHFRN 5601 Iran Unknown 5620 US DVA RHFRN 5650 US DVA RHFRN 5810 US DVA RHFRN 5826 US DVA RHFRN 5895 US DVA RHFRN 5897 US DVA RHFRN 5898 US DVA RHFRN 589801 US DVA RHFRN 5899 US DVA RHFRN 58xx Russia 58xx Net 5950 US DVA RHFRN 598001 US DVA RHFRN 5QWAFA USAF MARS AFA5QW, SHARES 5RS USAF 5th Reconaissance Squadron, Korea 6000CAOES CA OES Unknown 6030 US DVA RHFRN 6051 US DVA RHFRN 6052 US DVA RHFRN 6053 US DVA RHFRN 60WAXDVA US DVA RHFRN 6100CAOES CA OES 6191 US DVA RHFRN 6192 US DVA RHFRN 6193 US DVA RHFRN 61B Venezuelan Navy 61WAXDVA US DVA RHFRN 6201 US DVA RHFRN 6202 US DVA RHFRN 6203 US DVA RHFRN 6260 US DVA RHFRN 6262 US DVA RHFRN 62WAXDVA US DVA RHFRN 6361 US DVA RHFRN 6364 US DVA RHFRN 6400 US DVA RHFRN 6440 US DVA RHFRN 6480 US DVA RHFRN 6481 US DVA RHFRN 6491 US DVA RHFRN 64B Venezuelan Navy 6541 US DVA RHFRN 6542 US DVA RHFRN 6543 US DVA RHFRN 6570 US DVA RHFRN 6571 US DVA RHFRN 6572 US DVA RHFRN 6581 US DVA RHFRN 6590 US DVA RHFRN 6591 US DVA RHFRN 6601 US DVA RHFRN 6602 US DVA RHFRN 6603 US DVA RHFRN 6620 US DVA RHFRN 6630 US DVA RHFRN 6635 US DVA RHFRN 6640 US DVA RHFRN 6661 US DVA RHFRN 6714 US DVA RHFRN 6741 US DVA RHFRN 6743 US DVA RHFRN 6780 US DVA RHFRN 6790 US DVA RHFRN 6910 US DVA RHFRN 6920 US DVA RHFRN 6981 US DVA RHFRN 69BI Mexican Army 69th Engineering Bde 6AQ8 Venezuelan Navy 6QA8 Venezuelan Navy 6SD4 Venezuelan Navy 6SF COTHEN Unknown 6TVAAR US Army MARS AAR6TV 6Y8M5 US 5-Character Unknown 6ZMMOVIL Mexican Army 6th Zone Mobile 7## USCG HC-130H 17## 701 USCG HC-130H #1701 702 USCG HC-130H #1702, CGAS Sacramento 703 USCG HC-130H #1703, CGAS Sacramento 704 USCG HC-130H #1704, CGAS Sacramento 706 USCG HC-130H #1706 707 USCG HC-130H #1707 709 USCG HC-130H #1709 711 USCG HC-130H #1711, Barbers Point 712 USCG HC-130 #1714 713 USCG HC-130 #1713 714 USCG HC-130 #1714 715 USCG HC-130H #1715 716 USCG HC-130 CG 1716 717 USCG HC-130 CG 1717 718 USCG HC-130 CG 1718 719 USCG HC-130H CG 1719 720 USCG HC-130 CG 1720 7570 US DVA RHFRN 790 USCG HC-130H #1790 7D5B9 US 5-Character Unknown 7HW3 Venezuelan Navy 7JU Venezuelan Navy 801071 USAF U-2S 801094 USAF U-2S 81CSTND US Army NG 81st WMD-CST, Bismarck, ND 83401 Turkey Emergency Net 8356 US DVA RHFRN 84B USCG Response Boat-Medium 45684 85B USCG Response Boat-Medium 45685 86OPS US Army Ramstein, Germany 870123 USAF KC-10A 8DQAAR US Army MARS AAR8DQ SHARES 8DV9 Venezuelan Navy LST "Los Llanos" 8GZAAR US Army MARS AAR8GZ SHARES & R01 Net 9##ICE ICE Immigration & Customs Enforcement 90#WGY FEMA Region # voice call, turned around 908WGY FEMA WGY 908, Region 8 ctrl, CO 90KNY NCS KNY90, Arlington 911 ARINC UrgentLink Unknown 912001 Mauritanian Gendarmerie 934ICE ICE Immigration & Customs Enforcement 936ICE ICE Immigration & Customs Enforcement 938ICE ICE Immigration & Customs Enforcement 9536 US DVA RHFRN 96B USCG Response Boat-Medium 45696 9AH4 Venezuelan Navy Oiler "Ciudad Bolivar" (T-81) 9BNAFA USAF MARS AFA9BN SHARES 9DUAFA USAF MARS AFA9DU 9FAAFA USAF MARS AFA9FA SHARES 9HSAFA USAF MARS AFA9HS 9PNAAR US Army MARS AAR9PN 9TCAAA US Army MARS AAA9TC SHARES 9TENCA California OES NCA9TE SHARES 9WFAAR US Army MARS AAR9WF A## CBP UH-60 UH-60 Heavy Lift Helicopters A090ZN US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network A10 CBP UH-60 tail # 78-23010 A18 CBP UH-60 #77-22718 "Omaha 718" A20 CBP UH-60 tail #79-23320 A21 CBP UH-60 #79-23321 "Omaha 321" A23 CBP UH-60 "Omaha 423" A2KSDF US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network A2WSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network A39 CBP AB139 #N139HS A3SSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network A41 CBP UH-60 tail #87-24641 "Omaha 641" A44 CBP UH-60 #79-23344 A47 CBP UH-60 tail #82-23747 "Omaha 747" A48 CBP UH-60 #86-24548 A50 CBP UH-60 tail #79-23350 A58 CBP UH-60 #86-24558 A65 CBP UH-60A CG 6565 A70 CBP UH-60A Omaha 670 A72 CBP UH-60M #08-27172 A73CBP CBP UH-60M #08-27173 A7RSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network A82 CBP UH-60A A97 CBP UH-60 #79-2329 AA# Israeli AF AA1 Israeli AF AAA Israeli AF HQ AAAC32 UK Army London Deployed? AAI Saudi Arabia Air Defense AAN Saudi Arabia Air Defense AAP Saudi Arabia Air Defense AAR1DDMARS SHARES Army MARS SHARES stn, CT AAT3BF SHARES Army MARS SHARES stn, DE AAT3BFMARS SHARES Army MARS SHARES stn, DE AAZ US Army MARS HQ Station, Ft. Huachuca, AZ ABJECT Taiwan Navy Unknown ABQPRI COTHEN Primary remote Stanley/Albuquerque, NM ABQSEC COTHEN Secondary rmte Stanley/Albuquerque, NM ABUDHABI French Diplo Abudhabi ACERO Mexican AF Possibly Air Force HQ ACERO1 Mexican AF Possibly base #1, Santa Lucia ACERO4 Mexican AF Possibly base #4, Cozumel ADD USCG Unknown ADDISABEBA French Diplo Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ADW US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network ADW USAF HFGCS control, Joint Base Andrews, MD ADWNPR USAF Andrews NIPRNET Entry Point ADWSPR USAF Andrews SIPRNET Entry Point ADZ Algerian MFA Agadez, Niger AED US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network AED USAF Elmendorf AFB, AK AFFECT Taiwan Navy Unknown AIROPS USAF AFSOC, Eglin AFB AIX ARINC UrgentLink Unknown AK10JOC NGB JOC Net Alaska AKALJ2 Pemex Bay of Campeche Akal Oil Field AKALL1 Pemex Bay of Campeche Akal Oil Field AKALN1 Pemex Bay of Campeche Akal Oil Field AKALN2 Pemex Bay of Campeche Akal Oil Field AL1 FBI Albany, NY KEC67 AL42 Algerian MOI AL4FEM FEMA Alabama State EOC WGY 954 AL4JOC NGB JOC Net Alabama AL7 Polish Military ALA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) ALB NGB NY National Guard, Albany ALB Romania Alba Iulia ALFIL Mexican Army Obsolete ("Bishop") ALG Algerian Oil/Gas Net Algiers ALN US 3-Letter Net Unknown ALOCBNCMD2 USMC Probably 29 Palms ALR Algerian Oil/Gas Net Alrar ALUMINIO Mexican Army Obsolete ("Aluminum") ALX Romania Alexandria AME US Army NG American Fork, UT AMM French Diplo Amman, Jordan AMM UK Military/Diplo Amman, Jordan AMMAN French Diplo Amman, Jordan AMRWNIC426 IL NS/EP AMRWNXY218## IL NS/EP AMTIF1 US Army AN1 FBI Anchorage, AK KWX20 ANB Algerian Mil Annaba ANCOPS US Army 169th SOAR ANCRAK100 NS/EP Anchorage AK ANG0# Army NG Base Station ANP017 ARINC UrgentLink Probably Annapolis, MD ANPLAB ARINC UrgentLink Probably Annapolis, MD ANPOPS ARINC UrgentLink Remotes from Annapolis, MD ANTARES Brazilian AF ANTIOUQUIA Colombian Navy Corvette "Antioquia" (CM-53) ANTOFAGASTA Chilean Gendarmerie Antofagasta APACHE US Army 160th SOAR APODACA Mexican Army Obsolete APOLO Mexican Army "Apollo" (Heard 2015) APOLO# Mexican Army "Apollo" (Heard 2015) APPLEF Taiwan Navy Unknown AQ1 FBI Albuquerque, NM AQUILA Mexican Army Obsolete ("eagle") AR6JOC US Army NG AR Joint Ops Center ARA Romania Arad ARB US 3-Letter Net Unknown ARBOL Mexican Army Obsolete ("tree") ARCHQ American Red Cross HQ, DC ARCKCMO American Red Cross Kansas City, MO ARCNHQ American Red Cross HQ, DC ARGON Mexican Army Obsolete ARICA Chilean Gendarmerie Arica ARMARIO Venez Navy Agustin Armario de Puerto Cabello ARNORTH NGB JOC Net Arkansas ASC USAF Ascension Island ASF1IL NGB ARNG Avn Support Facility #1, IL ASI Chilean Navy or UK Military AT1 FBI Atlanta, GA ATAR Mauritania Military? ATASTA Pemex Atasta Peninsula ATASTA1 Pemex Atasta Peninsula ATASTA2 Pemex Atasta Peninsula ATL COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Warm Springs, GA ATLANTE Mexican Army (Heard 2015) ATLANTExx Mexican Army (Heard 2015) ATLANTICO Colombian Navy ATLAS DEA Rockwell/Collins contract comm ctr, IA ATLNGA106 NS/EP Atlanta, GA ATLPRI COTHEN Primary remote Warm Springs/Atlanta, GA ATLSEC COTHEN Secondary remote, GA AVISOS French Navy OMAR Net AVN US Army AXP USCG Cutter Haddock WPB-87347 AYL USCG Cutter Dolphin WPB-87354 AYSEN Chilean Gendarmerie Puerto Ais n AYT USCG Cutter Shearwater WPB-87349 AYU USCG Cutter Petrel WPB-87350 B01ME286 US Natl. Guard Bangor, ME 286th Bn. B03MECST US Natl. Guard 11th WMD-CST, ME B04MEAFRC US Natl. Guard Brunswick, ME Armed Forces Reserve Ctr. B10 Ukraine x10 Net B3TSDF US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network B6USAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network B9BSDF US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network BA1 FBI Baltimore BAC Romania Bacau BANDEIRANTES Brazilian AF BARBARISI Italy Financial Police BARRANCA Colombian Navy BASE Mexican Army (Heard 2015) BATZ French Customs BB1 Israeli AF BB3 Israeli AF BCU USCG Cutter Sawfish WPB-87357 BCZMI64NORTE Spanish Mil Batall n Cazadores de Monta a Pirineos BCZMII6NORTE Spanish Mil Batall n Cazadores de Monta a BCZMIV6NORTE Spanish Mil Batall n Cazadores de Monta a BDIRCO Venez Army Bn/Bgd de Ingenieros de Combate BE# Venezuelan Navy BE## Venezuelan Navy BE1CH Algerian police B char BE1RL NH SECURE Berlin EOC BEA US Army NG Beaver, UT BEAKJL412 Bell Atlantic NSEP BED 3-letter net Unknown BEIGHTLER US Army NG Beightler Armory, OH BESWNHP857 Bell South NSEP WNHP 857 BESWPIV389 Bell South NSEP WPIV 389 BEY French Diplo Beirut, Lebanon BEYROUTH French Diplo Beirut, Lebanon BF1 FBI Buffalo, NY KEC71 BFG US 3-Letter Net Possible DISA BGD US 3-Letter Net Unknown BGRNG Army NG Bangor, ME BI01 Algerian Mil BI1 FBI Birmingham, AL KIG91 BIOBIO Chilean Gendarmerie Regi n del B o-B o BIS Romania Bistrita BKO Algerian MFA Bamako, Mali BL51 Algerian Mil BLA US Army NG Blanding, UT BLD Algerian AF Blida BLE UK Mil/Diplo Belgrade, Serbia BLI Algerian AF Blida BMA Romania Baia Mare BMEK Germany Water Police Boat Seacat BNA Venezuelan Navy Base Navale Amario BNANGB NGB BNARCO Venez Navy Commander, Base Navale Amario BNF Venezuelan Navy Base BNG Venezuelan Navy Base BNW USCG Cutter Sitkinak WPB-1329 BOINGB NGB Poss ID NG, Boise BOR Albanian MOI Bora BORA Albania ? BORMA Algerian Oil/Gas Net Hamadet El Borma BOT Romania Botosani BP21 Germany Police Boat Bredstedt (decommissioned) BP22 Germany Police Boat Unknown, old user, decommissioned BP23 Germany Police Boat Currently out of service BP24 Germany Police Boat Bad Bramstedt BP25 Germany Police Boat Bayreuth BP26 Germany Police Boat Eschwege BP81 Germany Police Boat Potsdam BPH XPU Net BPLEZS Germany Federal Police HQ BPM XPU Net BPO1 FBI Portland, OR KOG83 BR00LA ARINC UrgentLink Hollywood Burbank Airport, CA BR1 Brazilian Mil Brasilia BRA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) BRA Romania Brailia BRASIL Mexican Army Unknown NVIS net, 2016 BRAVOHFMREZA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network BRE Chilean Navy BRI US Army NG Brigham City, UT BRILATNORTE Spanish Mil Brigada Infanter a Ligera Aerotransportable Galicia BRION Venezuelan Navy Frigate "Almirante Brion" BRL Romania Brailia BRO Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) BROOK Army NG AASF #2 Brooksville-Tampa Bay BRX US 3-Letter Net Unknown BS1 FBI Boston, MA KCC61 BSV Romania Brasov BT1 FBI Butte, MT KOG69 BT30WA ARINC UrgentLink Bothell, WA BU1 Romania Bucharest BU2 Romania Bucharest BU3 Romania Bucharest BU4 Romania Bucharest BU5 Romania Bucharest BUJUMB French Diplo Bujumbura, Burundi BUJUMBURA French Diplo Burundi BUR Chilean Navy BUZ Romania Buzau BVO US 3-Letter Net Unknown BWI US 3-Letter Net Unknown BWINGB NGB BWI Airport? BYDGOSZCZ Polish MSWiA Bydgoszcz C## USACE Various emergency comm assets C06 Mexico Green Angels Base Stn C3 Morocco Military CA0FEM001 FEMA Caribbean Area Office, San Juan, PR CA2 Chilean Navy CA9JOC NGB Army National Guard, CA CAC90NG US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network CAC95NG US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network CACSM Taiwanese Navy LSB ALE CAJAP Taiwanese Navy LSB ALE CAL Romania Calarasi CALAMA Chilean Gendarmerie Calama CALLADOYPM Mexican Army Calladoy CAMALEON Mexican Army Obsolete ("chameleon") CANDELA Mexican Army Obsolete ("candle") CAOFMA FEMA Caribbean Area Operations CAPBAQ Ecuador Navy Puerto Baquerizo CARDENAL Mexican Army Obsolete CARRERA Mexican Army Obsolete ("racing contest") CBE USCG Cutter Tahoma (WMEC 908) CCSPD Taiwanese Navy LSB ALE CD Morocco Military CDDA Venez CG CDDA Venezuela Ciudad Guyana, Navy/CG/Air Defense HQ CDG01D French Navy Carrier Charles de Gaulle CDI COTHEN Rmt. Transmitter, Cedar Island, NC CDIPRI COTHEN Rmt. Transmitter, NC, Primary CDISEC COTHEN Rmt. Transmitter, NC, Secondary CDR COTHEN Rmt. Transmitter, Marion, IA CDRPRI COTHEN Rmt. Transmitter, IA, Primary CDRSEC COTHEN Rmt. Transmitter, IA, Secondary CE1 Brazilian Navy CE1 FBI Charlotte, NC KIG81 CE1NT NH SECURE Centerville EOC CE4 Polish Military CED US Army NG Cedar City, UT CELTA Mexican Army Obsolete CEN Romania CENTELLA Mexican Army Obsolete (distant lightning flashes) CENTR# Romanian MFA CENTR6 Romania MFA Bucharest CENTR7 Romania MFA Bucharest CER41 French Diplo MFA, Paris CEREMAI Indonesia CERRAD Brazilian Mil? CESYP Colombian Navy CFSOL02 Brazilian Army Solim es Border Command CFSOLO3 Brazilian Army Solim es Border Command CFT Algerian Mil Commandement des Forces Terrestre, A n-Na dja CG1 FBI Chicago, IL KSD61 CGA Venezuelan Navy HQ "Cuartel General Armada" CGARM Venez Navy Commanding General, Navy CGBCOTMDIVCMD US Army Division Cmd CGD9 USCG District 9, OH CGE Venez Army HQ (Cuartel General de Ejercito) CGGN Venez Army Commanding General, National Guards CGRAM Venezuelan Navy CGS Unknown Clg PISTON CHA Algerian Gendarmerie CHACAL Mexican Army Obsolete ("jackal") CHAOSBNCMD2 USMC Probably 29 Palms CHARLY46 Italian Air Force 46th Aerial Brigade CHE Algerian Gendarmerie CHFMO Taiwanese Navy LSB ALE CHILECHICO Chilean Gendarmerie Chile Chico CHL Algeria Air Force Ech Cheliff CHPNSC140M AT&T NS/EP Chapin SC CI1 FBI Cincinnati, OH KQC67 CIASAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network CICLON Mexican Army Obsolete ("cyclone") CID ARINC UrgentLink Probably Cedar Rapids, IA CIW### CFARS Canada CL1 FBI Cleveland, OH CLASS## USAF Training exercises CLC Venez Army Comm Logistics Center CLC## Venez Army Comm Logistics Stn ## CLC22 Venez Army 22nd Infantry Bde, Merida CLC501 Venez Army 222nd Motorized Infantry Bn CLC51 Venez Army 51st Jungle Inf Bde CLM41 Venez Army Logstcs Maint Ctr, 41st Armored Bde CLS US Army Ft. Campbell, KY CM1 Algerian Mil Commandement de la 1e r gion militaire, Blida CM2 Algerian Mil Commandement de la 2e r gion militaire, Oran CM3 Algerian Mil Commandement de la 3e r gion militaire, B char CM4 Algerian Mil Commandement de la 4e r gion militaire, Ouargla CM5 Algerian Mil Commandement de la 5e r gion militaire, Constantine CM6 Algerian Mil Commandement de la 6e r gion militaire, Tamanrasset CMABRIGADA Brazilian Army Comando Militar da Amaz nia CNC Algerian AF Commandement des Forces A riennes d'Alg r, Cheraga CNP Romania Cluj Napoca CNT CBP/COTHEN Central Regional Communications Node CNU US 3-Letter Net Unknown CO1 FBI Columbia, SC KII50 CO1NC NH SECURE Concord EOC CO8JOC NGB JOC Net Colorado COBRE Mexican Army Obsolete ("cobra") COCA Mexican Army Obsolete (Cocaine interdiction?) COCHRANE Chilean Gendarmerie Cochrane COE USACE Mobile, AL COF COF Algerian AF Commandement des Forces A riennes d'Alg r, Cheraga COFFMU# Venez Navy River Patrol HQ COFFRI# Venez Navy River Patrol HQ CON Romania Constanta CONSEQUENCE US Army Logistics COOPNA Ecuador Navy Naval ops command COPIAPO Chilean Gendarmerie Copiap CORCUC Ecuador Navy Fuel tender "Cucaracha" CORESM Ecuador Navy Corvette "Esmeraldas" CORGAL Ecuador Navy Corvette "Galapagos" CORIOS Ecuador Navy Corvette "Rios" CORORO Ecuador Navy Corvette "Oro" COT Colombian Navy COVENAS Colombian Navy COYHAIQUE Chilean Gendarmerie Coyhaique CPDST Unknown COTHEN ID CPI USCG Cutter Cypress WLB-210 CPR US Army NG Works helicopters CRA Romania Craiova CRB CBP AMOC Caribbean Regional Communications Node CRC1 Venez Army Commo Cmd Ctr, 1st Inf Div, Maracaibo CRC2 Venez Army Commo Cmd Ctr, 2nd Inf Div, San Cristobal CRC3 Venez Army Commo Cmd Ctr, 3rd Inf Div, Caracas CRM4 Venez Army Region 4 Command CRO USAF Croughton, UK CROSPR USAF Croughton, UK SIPENET entry point CS- Unknown CS-RS Net CS# DHS CBP Enforcement Net CS003 Unknown CS-RS Net CS004A Unknown CS-RS Net CS1 DHS CBP Enforcement Net CS9 DHS CBP Enforcement Net CSK USCG COMMSTA Kodiak, AK CSNYI Taiwanese Navy LSB ALE CSR03D French Navy Destroyer Cassard (D614) CT1JOC NGB JOC Net Connecticut CTB US 3-Letter Net Unknown CTCSM Taiwanese Navy LSB ALE CTF Algerian AF Commandement des Forces A riennes d'Alg r, Cheraga CTFOJ Taiwanese Navy LSB ALE CTN US 3-Letter Net Unknown CUBNGB NGB HQ, Columbia, SC CV1 FBI Cleveland, OH KQC77 CVC US 3-Letter Net Unknown CVINHA Brazilian Navy Corvette "Inhauma" (V-30) CVLCLIENT NVIS Comm. Coulterville, CA CYP UK Military/Diplo, Cyprus CYS WY ANG Cheyenne D## CBP Fixed wing a/c, voice ID "OMAHA" D01 CBP Q400, #N801MR, Omaha 1MR D05 CBP Q400, #N805MR D06 CBP Q400, #N807MR D07 CBP Q400, #N807MR D08 CBP Q400, #N808MR D14 CBP P-3A, Omaha 314 D1JSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network D1NSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network D20 Croatian NPRD D23 CBP P-3B Slick, Omaha 23SK D31 CBP P-3C Slick, Omaha 31SK D41 CBP P-3B "Slick" #N741SK, Jacksonville, FL D42 CBP P-3 AEW&C #N142CS, Corpus Christi, TX D43 CBP P-3 AEW&C #N143CS, Corpus Christi, TX D45 CBP P-3C #N145CS D46 CBP P-3B #N146CS D47 CBP P-3C #N147CS D48 CBP P-3B #N148CS D49 CBP P-3C #N149CS D69 CBP P-3B Slick #N769SK, Jacksonville, FL D70 CBP P-3A #N16370 D95 CBP P-3A, Omaha295 D9J Israeli AF DA1 Saudi Arabia Air Defense DAF USAF Rhein Main, Germany DAMAS French Diplo Damascus, Syria DAMIEN Mexican Army (Heard 2015) DAR USAF Ramstein, Germany DAVISM SITFAA Davis Monthan AFB, AZ (Alt ctl) DBN 3-letter net Unknown DC3JOC NGB US Army NG JOC Net, DC DCCOP Venezuelan Navy Director, Naval Ops DCH Chilean Navy DCK USCG Cutter Sanibel WPB-1312 DD1 Israeli AF DE1 FBI Detroit, MI KQC87 DE1 Polish Military DE1MO Brazilian Navy DEA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) DEN COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Agate, CO DENDOI US Dept of Int. Denver, CO DENPRI COTHEN Primary Remote Agate/Denver, CO DEV Romania Deva DFW ARINC UrgentLink Probably Richardson, TX DGA USAF Diego Garcia DHD Venezuelan Navy DHN Venezuelan Navy Hydrography & Navigation DIAMANTE Mexican Army Obsolete ("diamond") DIL USCG Cutter Diligence WMEC-616 DIS USCG Cutter Matinicus (WPB 1315) DK11 Danish Mil Group call DKB US Military Ft. Bragg, NC DL00001 Unknown DL0004DAT USAF E-3B AWACS data DL0005DAT USAF E-3B AWACS data DL1 FBI Dallas, TX KKI68 DLA291 DLA Richmond, VA DLA293 DLA Ft. Belvoir, VA DLA294 DLA Columbus, OH DLA297 DLA Philadelphia, PA DLA298 DLA Philadelphia, PA DLA299 DLA New Cumberland, PA DLA302 DLA Stockton, CA DLA303 DLA SHARES SCS Northwest Bremerton, WA DLA306 DLA Boston, MA DLA309 DLA Battle Creek, MI DN1 FBI Denver, CO KAG69 DNVRCO138 NS/EP Denver, CO DOI USCG Cutter "John McCormick" (WPC-112) DRI Albanian MOI Drini DRINI Albania HQ Drini DRO Romania DrobetaTurnu Severin DTACCICDIVCMD US Army Division Cmd DTC US 3-Letter Net Unknown DTS USCG Cutter Dauntless (WMEC 624) DUM Polish Military DUST US Army NG DUX Romania Unknown DV30CO ARINC UrgentLink Denver, CO DWA USCG Cutter Morgenthau WHEC-722 DYS USAF Dyess AFB, TX E## Unknown COTHEN players E1JSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network E2GSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network E31408 USAF E-3B AWACS E3Z58 US Army V Corps E Coy 3 Bn 58 Avn Regt E7JSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network EAATS US Army Eastern Army Avn Training Site, PA EAP USCG Cutter "Isaac Mayo" (WPC-1112) EC9 Moroccan Gendarmerie ECO## Chile ONEMI, followed by region number ECR US Mil Unknown clg PISTON EDI USCG Cutter Cuttyhunk WPB 1322 EDK US 3-Letter Net Unknown EGE US 3-Letter Net Unknown EGLIN USAF AFSOC, Eglin AFB EK9 Greek Military EKO Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) EKOHFMREZA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network EN10 US Army NG 875th Engineering, AR EN875TOC US Army NG 875th Engr. Tac Ops Ctr, AR ENCINO Mexican Army Obsolete ("ilex tree") EP1 FBI El Paso, TX KKI73 EPP USCG Cutter Healy WAGB-20 EPSILON Mexican Army Obsolete ERCC Unknown EOC ERCCALBANY Unknown Albany, NY ERH USCG Cutter Tybee WPB-1330 ERMNAT Brazilian Navy Natal ERMRGD Brazilian Navy Rio Grande ERMRIO Brazilian Navy Rio de Janeiro EROS Mexican Army Heard 2015 ESMAAR Ecuador Navy Maritime academy ESPADA Colombian Navy ESPADA Mexican Army Obsolete ("sword") ESPANA Mexican Army Obsolete ("Spain") ESPARTACO Mexican Army Obsolete ("Spartan?") EST CBP AMOC Eastern Regional Communications Node EST US 3-Letter Net Unknown ETD165 Polish Army ETD165 Polish Mil EVI French AF Istres F## USCG on COTHEN HU-25 Falcon number 21## (obsolete?) F040LN FL Natl Guard 44th WMD-CST F21 Venez Navy Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" (F-21) F22 Venez Navy Frigate "Almirante Brion" (F-22) F24 Venez Navy Frigate "General Soublette" (F-24) F29 USCG Falcon Jet, CG 2129 F2L Romania Unknown F2Z224 US Army NG 2/224th Avn Bn F31 USCG Falcon Jet CG 2131 F33 USCG Coast Guard 2133 F41 USCG Falcon Jet CG 2141, Foxtrot 41 F8M Romania Braila FAAAAL FAA Anchorage, AK FAAACE FAA Kansas City, MO FAAACT FAA Atlantic City, NJ FAAACY FAA Atlantic City, NJ FAAAEA FAA Jamaica, NY FAAAGL FAA Des Plaines, IL FAAANC FAA Anchorage, AK FAAANE FAA Burlington, MA FAAANM FAA Renton, WA FAAASO FAA College Park, GA FAAASO FAA KDM49, GA FAAASW FAA Fort Worth, TX FAAATL FAA Atlanta, GA FAAAWP FAA Fremont, CA FAABTL FAA Battle Creek, MI FAADCA FAA KEM80, DC FAADCA FAA Washington, DC FAAEKN FAA Elkins, WV FAALGT FAA Longmont, CO FAAMRB FAA FAAOEX FAA Oklahoma City, OK FAAOKC FAA Oklahoma City, OK FAASAC FAA Sacramento, CA WHZ78 FAASJU FAA San Juan, PR FAAZAB FAA Albuquerque ARTCC FAAZAN FAA Anchorage ARTCC FAAZBW FAA Boston ARTCC FAAZDC FAA Washington ARTCC FAAZDV FAA Denver ARTCC FAAZFW FAA Ft. Worth ARTCC FAAZHU FAA Houston ARTCC FAAZID FAA Indianapolis ARTCC FAAZJX FAA Jacksonville ARTCC FAAZKC FAA Kansas City ARTCC FAAZLA FAA Los Angeles ARTCCC FAAZLC FAA Salt Lake City ARTCC FAAZMA FAA Miami ARTCC FAAZME FAA Memphis ARTCC FAAZMP FAA Minneapolis ARTCC FAAZNY FAA New York ARTCC FAAZOA FAA Oakland ARTCC FAAZOB FAA Cleveland ARTCC FAAZSE FAA Seattle ARTCC FAAZTL FAA Atlanta ARTCC FAAZUA FAA Chicago ARTCC FAC Colombian Army Factativa FACA##E Colombian Army Factativa FACA#E Colombian Army Factativa FAISON Mexican Army Obsolete FALCON Venez Navy Base "Juan Cris stomo Falc n" FATANG US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network FATOPS US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network FC0FEM FEMA Region 10 Comm Mgr FC0FEM002 FEMA Region 10 Auxiliary FC0FEM004 FEMA Region 10 Auxiliary FC0FEM010 FEMA Region 10 Unknown FC0FEM2010 FEMA Region 10 Unknown FC1FEM FEMA Region 1 Comm Mgr (WGY 901) FC1FEM002 FEMA Region 1 Auxiliary FC1FEM1 FEMA Region 1 ? FC4FEM FEMA Region 4 Comm Mgr FC4FEM002 FEMA Region 4 Auxiliary FC4FEM1 FEMA Region 4 ? FC6 FEMA Region 6 HQ? FC6FEM FEMA Region 6 NCS, Denton, TX FC6FEM002 FEMA Region 6 Auxiliary FC6FEM2004 FEMA Region 6 ? FC8FEM FEMA Region 8 Comm Mgr FC8FEM002 FEMA Region 8 Auxiliary FC8FEM006 FEMA Region 8 Auxiliary FC8FEM1 FEMA Region 8 ? FCnFEM FEMA Region # head office FCSFEM FEMA Mt. Weather Emergency Center, VA (WGY 912) FD30MD ARINC UrgentLink FEMA, Fredrick, MD FDEFEN Brazilian Navy Frigate "Defensora" F-41 FELICIANO Mexican Army (Heard 2015) FEMEASxxx FEMA EAS net, xxx=last 3 ltrs in broadcast stn call FET Romania Fetesti FFO 3-letter net Unknown FFS USCG Cutter Chandleur WPB-1319 FFTNGB NGB Frankfort, KY FIL Utah Army NG Fillmore, UT FL# COTHEN Remote transmitters in Florida FL4FEM FEMA Florida Emerg Mgmt WGY 974 FL4JOC NGB JOC Net Florida FLA Polish Military FLTEST ARINC UrgentLink Unknown FM#FEM FEMA Region # MERS FM0FEM FEMA Region 10 Bothell, WA FM1FEM FEMA Region 1 Maynard, MA FM3FEM FEMA Region 3 Fredrick, MD FM4FEM FEMA Region 4 Atlanta, GA FM4FEM5 FEMA Region 4 Mobile FM6FEM FEMA Region 6 Denton, TX FM6FEM5 FEMA Region 6 Mobile FM8FEM FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO FM8FEM5 FEMA Region 8 Mobile FM8FEM5001 FEMA Region 8 FMK USCG Cutter Seneca WMEC 906 FMOON1 ARINC UrgentLink Unknown FN01 Algerian Mil FNARS FEMA FO717 US Army FOC Romania Focsani FORDBRTP Bosnia Tactical Support Brigade FORDHFMREZA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network FOXCREEK US Army Logistics FOY USCG Cutter Skipjack WPB-87353 FP5FEM FEMA Battle Creek, MI FPR US 3-Letter Net Unknown FQ53 Algerian Mil FR#FEM FEMA Region # HQ FR1FEM FEMA Region 1 Boston, MA (WGY 9021) FR2FEM FEMA Region 2 NY FR2FMA FEMA Region 2 NY FR3FEM FEMA Region 3 Philadelphia, PA FR4 FEMA Region 4 Presumably same as FR4FEM FR4FEM FEMA Region 4 Atlanta, GA FR5FEM FEMA Region 5 Battle Creek, MI FR7FEM FEMA Region 7 Kansas City, KS FR9FEM FEMA Region 9 Oakland, CA FREGATES French Navy OMAR Net FRQ USAF FSM US 3-Letter Net Unknown FSUBCA Colombian Navy Sub base, Cartagena FTM COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Sarasota, FL FTMPRI COTHEN Primary remote Sarasota, FL FTMSEC COTHEN Secondary remote Sarasota, FL FUNIAO Brazilian Navy Frigate "Uni o" FUO01D French Navy Probably FUO, Toulon FUT US 3-Letter Net Unknown FXE US 3-Letter Net Unknown G00### NGB Various National Guard aircraft G090UN US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network G323 USACE G8SSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network GAETA Italy Financial Police GAL Romania Galati GALAXIA Mexican Army Obsolete ("galaxy") GAMAHFMREZA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network GANOB# Probably Egypt Arabic transliteration for "South" GANOB3 Probably Egypt GANZO Mexican Army Obsolete (Gonzo?) GAO Algerian MFA Garoua, Cameroun GARCIA Venezuelan Navy GAVILAN Mexican Army Obsolete ("sparrow hawk") GBL USAF Unknown, possibly "Global" GBL USCG Cutter Ocracoke WPB-1307 GD40LA ARINC UrgentLink Fredrick, MD GDF USCG Cutter Munro WHEC-724 GEDERUA Indonesia GEF Greek Military GHARB# Probably Egypt Arabic transliteration for "West" GHM US 3-Letter Net Aircraft GIU Romania Giurgiu GM9FEM FEMA Region 9? GOF Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) GPNEGRAS Mexican Army Piedras Negras Barracks GRB US Army 160th SOAR Ghostrider, AL GRL USAF GT Guelta Oil/Gas Field Algeria GTL USAF Thule AB, Greenland SCOPE Command GUA USAF Anderson AB, Guam SCOPE Command GUASPR USAF Anderson AB, Guam SIPRNET Entry Point GUM USAF GURI Venez Air Def Guri Dam GVT USAF Raytheon E-Systems, Greenville, TX GWO US 3-Letter Net Unknown GYS USCG Cutter Key Biscayne WPB-1339 H090IN US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network H29 USCG? H5YSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network H7RSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network HAB3 USN Tactical Ops Center, Whidbey Is., WA HADES43 Mexican Army Unknown NVIS net, 2016 HAF US Army 160th SOAR, Ft. Bragg HAG Polish Military HALCON Mexican Army Back in use 2015 ("Hawk") HALCON10 Mexican Army Unknown NVIS net, 2015 ("Hawk") HAW USAF Ascension Island SCOPE Command HAWSPR USAF Ascension Island SIPRNET Entry Point HBK Algerian Oil/Gas Net HCM MARS New short call signs HD1FAE SITFAA Americas Air Net, Ecuador HELNG Poss US Army NG Helena, MT HERMES Brazilian AF HQ, Brasilia HFB UK Military/Diplo HFESIL147 NS/EP ? HHF USCG Cutter Hollyhock WLB 214 HI1LL NH SECURE Hillsborough EOC HIC USCG Cutter Vigilant WMEC-617 HIERRO Mexican Army "Iron" (heard 2015) HIJ US HIJ Net Unknown HIK US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network HIK USAF JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam HI SCOPE Command HIKSPR USAF JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam SIPRNET Entry HIS US 3-Letter Net Unknown HKDS USAF KC10A 85-0031 (From a/c selcal) HKW USCG Cutter Confidence WMEC-619 HLA Angolan MOI HMD Algeria Hassi Messaoud Oilfield HMV "RT3 net" Unknown HN1 FBI Honolulu, HI KUR20 HNC USCG Cutter Harriet Lane (WMEC 903) HNC1 USCG Cutter Harriet Lane WMEC-903 HNL COTHEN Probably Honolulu remote xmtr HO1 FBI Houston, TX KKI88 HPT US 3-Letter Net Unknown HQ1NGB NGB Army NG HQ, Crystal City/Arlington, VA HQ2NGB NGB Air NG HQ, Andrews AFB, MD HQ3 NGB ? HQ3NGB NGB Poss HQ, Crystal City/Arlington, VA HQ4 Egypt HQ701N NGB JOC Net Headquarters HQ701N US Army NG Natl. HQ, Arlington, VA HQ701N US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network HQ703N NGB JOC Net Headquarters HQ703N US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network HQ705N US Army NG Headquarters HQ705N US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network HR Algerian Oil/Gas Net Hassi R'Mel, Algeria HRF US Army NG Homeland Response Force, UT HRL USAF AFSOC, Hurlburt Field HS# COTHEN Unknown HSD USCG Cutter Drummond (WPB 1323) HSM MARS New short call signs HTR US Army 160th SOAR "Hooter Ops" HUNGRIAx Mexican Army Obsolete ("Hungary") HURACAN Mexican Army Obsolete ("hurricane") HYR US 3-Letter Net Unknown I## CBP "Omaha" fixed wing, last 2 ch. of reg I00 CBP Cessna 550 #N1200N I01 CBP Cessna 550 #N37201, Omaha 201 I08 CBP Cessna 550 #N5408G, Omaha 08G I1L CBP Cessna 550 #N6001L, Omaha 01L I21 CBP Cessna 550 #N26621, Omaha 621 I31 CBP Cessna 550 #N2531K I34 CBP Cessna 550 #N2734K I37 CBP Cessna 550 #N6637G I3L CBP Cessna 550 #N6763L I43 CBP Beech #N43SA, Omaha 3SA I4J CBP Cessna 550 #N5314J I52 CBP Cessna 550 #N752CC, Omaha 2CC I54 CBP Cessna 550 #N1254X I5RSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network I63 CBP Cessna 550 #N26663Y I75 CBP Cessna 550 #N6775C, Omaha 75C I86 CBP Cessna 550 #N586RE IA7FEM FEMA Iowa Emerg Mgmt WGY 947 IA7JOC NGB JOC Net Iowa IACST COTHEN Unknown IAS Romania Iasi ICZ USAF Sigonella, Italy ICZSPR ` USAF Sigonella, Italy SIPRNET Entry Point ID0FEM FEMA Idaho EOC WGY 920 IFQ US military Unknown IIW USCG Cutter Willow (WLB 202) IKF USAF Keflavik, Iceland IKL USCG Cutter Tampa WMEC-619 IL5JOC US Army NG IL Joint Ops Ctr. ILEAS# IL Emerg. Mgmt ILZ Algerian Mil Illizi IN5FEM FEMA Indiana Emerg Mgmt WGY 965 INA Algerian Oil/Gas Net In Amenas INDEPEN3 Colombian Navy Corvette "Independiente," CM-54 INSALAH Algerian Oil/Gas Net Insalah IP1 FBI Indianapolis, IN KSC63 IQUIQUE Chilean Gendarmerie quique IRK US 3-Letter Net Unknown ISLADEPASCUA Chile ONEMI/CAT Emerg Net Easter Island ISLAJUANFERNANDEZ Chile ONEMI/CAT Emerg Net Juan Fernandez Is. ISRAEL Mexican Army Obsolete IZA US 3-Letter Net Unknown J## USCG on COTHEN Voice "Juliet" ##=last two c/s digits J01 USCG MH-60J, CG 6001, Juliet 01 J02 USCG MH-60T #6002 CGAS Clearwater J03 USCG MH-60J, Juliet 03 J05 USCG MH-60T #6005 CGAS Kodiak J06 USCG MH-60J, Juliet 06 J07 USCG MH-60T, Juliet 07 J08 USCG MH-60J, Juliet 08 J09 USCG MH-60J, Juliet 09 J10 USCG MH-60J, Juliet 10 J11 USCG MH-60J CG 6011 J12 USCG MH-60J #6012, Juliet 12 J13 USCG MH-60T #6013 CGAS Astoria J14 USCG MH-60T #6014 CGAS Clearwater J15 USCG MH-60T #6015 J16 USCG MH-60J, Juliet 16 J17 USCG MH-60T CG 6017 J18 USCG Coast Guard 18C, a helo J19 USCG MH-60J, Juliet 19 J21 USCG MH-60J, CG 6021 J22 USCG MH-60T #6022 CGAS San Diego J23 USCG MH-60J, CG 6023 J24 USCG MH-60J, CG 6024 J25 USCG MH-60J, Juliet 25 J26 USCG MH-60T #6026 CGAS Cape Cod J27 USCG MH-60J, CG 6027 J29 USCG MH-60J, CG 6029 J30 USCG MH-60T #6030 CGAS Cape Cod J31 USCG MH-60J, CG 6031 J32 USCG MH-60J, CG 6032 J33 USCG MH-60T #6033 CGAS Cape Cod J36 USCG MH-60T #6036 CGAS San Diego J40 USCG MH-60T #6040 CGAS Elizabeth City J41 USCG MH-60J #6040 Juliet 41 J43 USCG MH-60J, CG 6043 J45 USCG MH-60T #6045 CGAS Clearwater J46 USCG MH-60T #6046 CGAS Clearwater J51 Morocco Military J62 Morocco Military J63 Morocco Military JA1 Saudi Arabia Air Defense JADE Mexican Army Obsolete Possible HQ JAGUAR Mexican Army Obsolete JAP Saudi Arabia Air Defense JAXTEST01 Unknown Jacksonville, FL exercise c/s JBT03D French Navy Destroyer Jean Bart (D615) JCI Saudi Arabia Air Defense JCN Saudi Arabia Air Defense JCP Saudi Arabia Air Defense JCU Saudi Arabia Air Defense JCVLFL155 NS/EP Jacksonville, FL JDG USAF NSF Diego Garcia SCOPE Command JDP Saudi Arabia Air Defense JES US 3-Letter Net Unknown JFERNANDEZ Chile ONEMI/CAT Juan de Fernandes Isl. JGD US 3-Letter Net Unknown JHE US 3-Letter Net Unknown JHT USCG Cutter Liberty WPB 1334 JIGNGB NGB JILGUERO Mexican Army Obsolete JK1 FBI Jacksonville, FL KII95 JN1 FBI Jackson, MS KKJ45 JNR USAF HFGCS, Salinas, PR JNRSPR USAF Salinas, PR SIPRNET Entry JOM USCG Cutter Sea Otter WPB 87362 JOR USCG Cutter Gallatin WHEC-721 JPJ USCG Cutter Reliance WMEC-615 JTA SITFAA Americas Air Net JTC USAF Joint Interoperability Test Facility JTF USAF Joint Interoperability Test Facility JTY USAF Yokota AB Japan SCOPE Command JULIO Mexican Army (Heard 2015) K## USCG on COTHEN "Kilo" MH-65C/D number65## K01 USCG MH-65D #6501 CGAS Port Angeles K02 USCG MH-65C, CG 6502 K040YN KY National Guard 41st WMD-CST K070SN KS National Guard 73rd WMD-CST K10 USCG MH-65D #6510 CGAS Miami K11 USCG MH-65C, CG 6511 K15 USCG MH-65C, CG 6515 K1QSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network K20 Israeli AF K20 USCG MH-65C, CG 6520 K33 USCG MH-65C, CG 6533 K35 Israeli AF K36 USCG MH-65C, CG 6536 K37 USCG MH-65D #6537 CGAS North Bend K40 USCG MH-65C, CG 6540 K4FSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network K56 USCG MH-65D #6556 CGAS Humboldt Bay K57 USCG MH-65C, CG 6557 K58 USCG MH-65D #6558 K59 USCG MH-65C, CG 6559 K60 USCG MH-65C, CG 6560 K63 USCG MH-65D #6510 CGAS Los Angeles K66 USCG MH-65C, CG 6566 K70 USCG MH-65D #6570 CGAS Miami K72 USCG MH-65C, CG 6572 K73 USCG MH-65D #6573 CGAS Borinquen K75 USCG MH-65C, CG 6575 K80 USCG MH-65C, CG 6580 K84 USCG MH-65C, CG 6584 K8F Morocco K97 USCG MH-65D #6528 CGAS Traverse City KAG69 FBI Denver, CO KC1 FBI Kansas City, MO KAG78 KCM COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Raleigh, NC KE1EN NH SECURE Keene EOC KEC321 Unknown On SHARES KF01 Tunisian Military KGD32 FCC KGD34 NCC SHARES liaison KGD34NCC NCC KGD34, SHARES liaison KGD825 EPA New England Lab KGE22 FBI Quantico, VA KGE23-93 FBI Washington, DC KGE33 FBI Albany, NY KGE55 FBI Clarksburg, WV KGE67 FBI Atlanta, GA KGG64 FBI Philadelphia, PA KGG76 FBI Pittsburgh, PA KGG83 FBI Washington, DC KGG84 FBI Manassas, VA KGG85 FBI Washington, DC KHARTOUM French Diplo KHLN Montana ANG AASF Helena Regional Airport KIGALI French Diplo Kigali, Rwanda KJA86 US DoS ? KM5 Colombian Navy KMN94 US DoS FL KN1 Israeli Air Force KNR33 poss NTCN KNR43 poss NTCN KNY91 NTCN National HF Comm Sys KOD COTHEN Unknown KOG55C FBI Hrd on SHARES KOL100 DHS NCC, ID KOL101 DHS OEC, Helena, MT KP## Algerian MOI KRAKOW Polish MSWiA Krakow KRH50 US DOS England KRH54 US DOS Moscow KRH57 US DOS Unknown KRH58 US DOS Unknown KRH60 US DOS Unknown KRH61 US DOS Unknown KRH62 US DOS Unknown KRH84 US DOS Unknown KS7 FEMA Kansas EOC KS7FEM FEMA Kansas Emerg Mgmt WGY 997 KS7FMA FEMA KS KS7JOC NGB JOC Net Kansas KS7JOC US Army NG KS Joint Ops Center KSC71NG KS National Guard KT8 FBI Unknown KT9 FBI KTR67 US DoS ? KTR68 US DoS ? KTR70 US DoS ? KTR71 US DoS ? KUT Polish Military KUW UK Military/Diplo, Kuwait KVQ USCG Cutter Nantucket WPB 1316 KVX53 US DOS ? KVX55 US DOS ? KVX56 US DOS ? KW1 FBI Possibly Key West KW7 Polish Military KWB57 US DoS KWK92 US DOS ? KWK96 US DoS KWK96 US DOS ? KWQ36 US DoS KWR86 US DoS ? KWRL COTHEN Possible National Guard KWS94 US DoS ? KWS95 US DoS ? KWX57 US DoS ? KWX94 US DoS ? KWX96 US DoS ? KWX99 US DoS ? KWY94 US DoS ? KX1 FBI Knoxville, TN KIG73 KY4JOC US Army NG KY Joint Ops Center KYC41NG KY National Guard L## USCG MH-65x number 66## L03 USCG MH-65C CG 6603 L06 USCG MH-65C #6606 L08 USCG MH-65C CG 6608 L6MSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network LA1 FBI Los Angeles, CA LA1NC NH SECURE Lancaster EOC LA20OC ARINC UrgentLink Unknown LAG UK Military/Diplo Lagos, Nigeria LAMCUE Ecuador Navy Missile ship "Cuenca" LAWU Indonesia LCR154 Polish Army LD2 Angolan MOI Lunda Norte LD3 Algerian MOI Luanda LECAIRE French Diplo Cairo, Egypt LEH US Army NG Lehi, UT LEON Mexican Army Obsolete LEOPARDO Mexican Army Obsolete ("leopard") LFY01D French Navy LFY02D French Navy Frigate La Fayette (F710) LG6 Morocco Military (truncated?) LG601 Morocco Military LIL USCG Cutter Bainbridge Island WPB 1343 LINCE Mexican Army Obsolete ("lynx") LITNGB NGB AR Natl Guard, Little Rock LK10LA ARINC UrgentLink L.A. County Sheriff, Lakewood LN10LA ARINC UrgentLink L.A. County Sheriff, Lancaster LNPNAK175 AT&T NS/EP Lena Pt., AK LNT USCG Commcom, VA on COTHEN LOBITO Mexican Army Obsolete ("wolf cub") LOBO Mexican Army Obsolete ("wolf") LOG US Army NG Logan, UT LOSLLANOS Venez Navy Vessel "Los Llanos" LOU USAF Tinker AFB OK, or Bowman Fld, KY LPB Unknown Hrd on COTHEN LPM USCG Cutter Chase WHEC 718 LR1 FBI Little Rock, AR KKJ78 LR2 FBI Little Rock, AR LRBHF# USACE Buffalo, NY LRCHF# USACE Chicago, IL LRDHF# USACE Cincinnati, OH LREHF# USACE Detroit, MI LRHHF# USACE Huntington, WV LRLHF# USACE Louisville, KY LRN US 3-Letter Net Unknown LRNHF# USACE Nashville, TN LRP1 USACE Pittsburgh, PA LRPHF# USACE Pittsburgh, PA LS1 FBI Louisville, KY KIH67 LSVLKY NS/EP Louisville, KY LT2 USCG Remote to Chesapeake LUA UK Military/Diplo Luanda, Angola LUV COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Lovelock, NV LXV US 3-Letter Net Unknown M## OR M### CBP Interceptor boats M010EN ME National Guard M46 CBP Surveillance M815 CBP Interceptor boat M97 CBP Interceptor boat MA1 Polish Military MA1NC NH SECURE Manchester MA20SA ARINC UrgentLink Unknown MAE Algerian MFA Algiers MAG USCG Cutter Hamilton WHEC715 MALI Albania ? MALPELO Colombian Navy Auxiliary Vessel, BO-156 MAN UT Natl Guard Manti, UT MARQUEZ Colombian Navy MARTE Mexican Army Obsolete ("Mars") MATHILDE French Forces Istres MAYA## Mexican Army (Heard 2015) MB5Y1 US 5-Character Unknown MBY US 3-Letter Net Unknown MBZ7Y US 5-Character Unknown MCC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network MCC USAF McClellan AFB, CA SCOPE Command MCCSPR USAF McClellan SIPRNET Entry MCK US 3-Letter Net Unknown MD3FEM FEMA Maryland Emerg Mgmt WGY 933 MDN Algerian MoD Minist re de la D fense Nationale, Alg r MDWEOC US Army Military District of Washington EOC ME1 FBI Memphis, TN KIH73 ME1JOC NGB JOC Net Maine MEB US Army NG 204th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, UT MELABAR Indonesia MEM COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Senatobia, MS MENEMAUROA Venez CG Vessel "Mene de Mauroa" MERAPI Indonesia MERBABU Indonesia MERCURIO Mexican Army Obsolete ("Mercury") METRO Mexican Army Obsolete MEXICA Mexican Army (Heard 2015) MFN USCG Cutter Knight Island WPB 1348 MGQ US 3-Letter Net Unknown MHE US 3-Letter Net Unknown MHROPS US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network MHU USCG Cutter Blacktip WPB 87326 MI1LF NH SECURE Milford NH EOC MI5JOC NGB JOC Net Mississippi MIK US 3-Letter Net Unknown MILNHI185 NS/EP ? MIR Romania Miercurea Ciuc MKL UK DHFCS NATO, Northwood MLF US 3-Letter Net Unknown MM1 FBI Miami, FL KIJ22 MMANGB NGB Montgomery, AL MMJ USCG Cutter Sherman WHEC-720 MN5JOC NGB JOC Net Minnesota MO1 Algeria Police? MO1 FBI Mobile, AL KIH98 MO10WQLE815 NVIS Comm. NS/EP, VA MO7FEM FEMA Missouri Emerg Mgmt WGY 977 MO7JOC NGB JOC Net Missouri MO7JOC US Army NG MO Joint Ops Ctr. MOBD16DAT USAF Unkown SIPRNET user MOBILExx Libya Great Man-Made River Authority MOBNG Alabama ANG 1-131 AVN MOCHUELA Colombian Army MOCHUELO Colombian Army Phone patch net MOE Algerian Gendarmerie MOM Colombian Army Phone patch net MONTECANO Venezuela Air Defense MORTONxx Polish Military MOU US Army NG Mt. Pleasant, UT MP1 FBI Minneapolis, MN KAG81 MP9FEM FEMA MR2 NGB JOC Net Unknown MS1 Brazilian Mil Manaus MS1 CBP Land-mobile unit MS4FEM FEMA Mississippi Emerg Mgmt WGY 964 MST Utah Army NG Mt. Pleasant, UT MT8FEM FEMA Montana Emerg Svcs WGY 958 MTWFEM FEMA Mt. Weather Emergency Center, VA MUD USCG Cutter Diligence WMEC 616 MV01 Algerian Military MVDHF1 USACE Vicksburg MVSHF1 USACE St. Louis, MO MW1 FBI Milwaukee, WI KSC71 MYADDR --- Possible ALE default MYCALSIGN --- ALE generic default MYR US 3-Letter Net Unknown MZL Algerian Oil/Gas Net Hassi M'zoula N## USCG HC-144A #23## N01 Polish Military N01 USCG HC-144A #2301 N03 USCG HC-144A #2303 N04 USCG HC-144A #2304,CGAS Cape Cod N05 USCG HC-114A #2305 N06 USCG HC-114A #2306 N07 USCG HC-114A #2307 N08 USCG HC-114A #2308 N09 USCG HC-144A #2309, CGAS Cape Cod N090VN US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network N10 USCG HC-144A #2310, CGAS Miami N11 USCG HC-144A #2311, ATC Mobile N12 USCG HC-144A #2312, ATC Mobile N13 USCG HC-144A #2313, CGAS Cape Cod N14 USCG HC-144A #2314, CGAS Corpus Christi N15 USCG HC-144A #2315, CGAS Miami N16 USCG HC-144A #2316, ATC Mobile N17 USCG HC-144A #2317 CGAS Cape Cod N18 USCG HC-144A #2318, ATC Mobile N5PSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network NA1SH NH SECURE Nashua EOC NAL Saudi Arabia Air Defense NAN Saudi Arabia Air Defense NAP Saudi Arabia Air Defense NAS USCG Cutter Escanaba WMEC 907 NAU Saudi Arabia Air Defense NAVEVERRET SHARES US Navy Everett, WA? NC4FEM FEMA North Carolina Emerg Mgmt WGY 984 NC4JOC NGB JOC Net North Carolina NC4JOC US Army NG NC Joint Ops Ctr. NCC USAF DISA Coordinating Center, DC NCS366 US DHS Idaho Falls, ID NCS367 US DHS Helena, MT NCS383 US DHS SHARES ND01 Tunisian Mil ND8FEM FEMA North Dakota Emerg Svcs WGY 948 NDB Mauritania Military? NE7FEM FEMA Nebraska Emerg Mgmt WGY 957 NE7JOC NGB JOC Net Nebraska NEBRSL Brazilian Navy Training Ship "Brasil", U-27 NELSON Mexican Army (Heard 2015) NETFWA US MARS Likely data gateway NETSTH US MARS Likely data gateway NETSTX US MARS Likely data gateway NETWST US MARS Likely data gateway NEUVAVIDA Chilean Gendarmerie Nueva Vida? NEW Unknown US Army MARS or CFARS NF1 FBI Norfolk, VA KII66 NGB## NGB US National Guard, mostly Army NH1 FBI New Haven, CT KCC76 NH1JOC NGB JOC Net New Hampshire NHHF USCG USCGC Hollyhock NHQARC American Red Cross HQ, VA NJ2JOC NGB JOC Net New Jersey NK ARINC UrgentLink Unknown NK1 FBI Newark, NJ KEC86 NKT Algerian MFA Nouakchott, Mauritania NMC USCG Pt. Reyes, CA NMH USCG Probably TISCOM, VA NMH2 USCG Probably TISCOM, VA NMH3 USCG Probably TISCOM, VA NMMAINBNCMD2 USMC Probably 29 Palms NMN USCG Chesapeake, VA NO1 FBI New Orleans, LA KKJ88 NOCALSIGN --- PC-ALE generic default NOJ USCG Comm Station Kodiak, AK NOR USCG Cutter Northland WMEC 904 NRT USCG Cutter Active WMEC 618 NSO US Army NTAWNFT417 NSEP net NTA, DC, WNFT417 NTDANG US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network NW1 - 4 US STRATCOM Nightwatch 1 - 4 NAOC a/c NWO USACE Omaha, NE (NOT New World Order!) NWOHF1 USACE ? NWOOA USACE probably NE NX01 Algerian Military NX20 Algerian Military NX40 Algerian Military Nxxx USCG Obsolete system for Cutter callsigns NY1 FBI New York, NY KEC96 NY2JOC NGB JOC Net New York NYC ARINC UrgentLink Probably Long Island O3CSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network O3CSDF US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network O74 Morocco Military OBREGON Mexican Army Obsolete OC1 FBI Oklahoma City, OK KKJ98 ODK USCG USCGC Bramble (WLB-392) ODW USCG USCGC Sundew (WLB-404) ODY USCG USCGC Acacia (WLB-406) OEB Algerian Mil Oum el Bouaghi OER CPB OEY## Austrian Mil OEY### Austrian Mil OEY20 Austrian Mil OEY61 Austrian Mil OFF US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network OFF USAF Offutt AFB, NE OFF9 USAF Offutt AFB, NE Unknown user OFF9X USAF Offutt AFB, NE Same as OFF9 OFFNPR USAF Offutt AFB, NE NIPRNET Entry OFFSPR USAF Offutt AFB, NE SIPRNET Entry OFR USCG Cutter Cushing (WPB 1321) OHT30P Algerian Oil/Gas Net Ohanet OJ6 XPU Net OK6JOC NGB JOC Net Oklahoma OK6JOC US Army NG OK Joint Ops Center OKC USAF Tinker AFB, OK OKCDAT USAF Probably data entry point at Tinker OLZ69 Czech MFA Cairo, Egypt OLZ86 Czech MFA Unknown OLZ88 Czech MFA Prague OM1 FBI Omaha, NE KAG98 OMA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) OMEGA3HFMREZA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network OMEGACERO Chile ONEMI Emergency Mgmt. Net, Santiago OMEGACERO2 Chile ONEMI Emergency Mgmt. Net, Santiago OMEGAHFMREZA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network OMICRON Mexican Army Obsolete OMN UK Military/Diplo Oman OMNI COTHEN Unknown omnidirectional rmt OPB CBP OPBAT Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas OPELHFMREZA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network OPMHQ2 US Govt Unknown SHARES OPS### US Army OPS171 US Army 171st Aviation Bn OR0FEM FEMA Unknown OR1 Algerian AF Oran ORA Romania Oradea ORD6BN7ORDCO US Army ORD6BN84ORDCO US Army ORE US Army NG Orem, UT ORO Mexican Army (Obsolete - "gold") OSR Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) OVALLE Chilean Gendarmerie Ovalle OVC XPU Net OWD Danish AF Vaerloese OWF Danish AF Skrydstrup OWI Danish AF Alborg OWK USCG Cutter Dependable WMEC 626 OWP Danish AF Unknown P## USCG Air station COTHEN remote consoles P02 COTHEN Comm Ctr CGAS Clearwater, FL P04 Polish Military P1G Lithuanian Navy NATO trigraph? P1Z131 US Army ARNG 1-131 Av Bn, AL P1Z147 US Army 1-147 Avn Regt ,St Paul MN P1Z227 US Army ARNG 1-227th Av Rgmt, Ft. Hood, TX P26 COTHEN Unknown COTHEN Rmt P2Z135 US Army NG Buckley ANGB, CO P33 Lithuanian Navy? P34 Croatian NRPD Pozega P4N Morocco P5ZSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network P6WSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network P6Z6CAV US Army 6-6th Cav PA3JOC NGB JOC Net Pennsylvania PABLO Mexican Army (Heard 2015) PAC USCG Pt. Reyes, CA PADILLA Colombian Navy PAL USCG Cutter Kingfisher WPB 87322 PANTERA Mexican Army Obsolete ("panther") PAR Rockwell Paris PC12 Venezuela Navy Gunboat "Federaci n" (PC-12) PC13 Venezuela Navy Gunboat "Independencia" (PC-13) PC16 Venezuela Navy Gunboat "Victoria" (PC-16) PC17BIS Brazilian Army Unknown PC20 Algerian Mil PCBDA Brazilian Army CP, unknown PCBERMEJILLO Mexican Army CP, Bermejillo PCCFSOL Brazilian Army CP, Comando de Frontiera, Solimoes PCM XPU Net PCR USCG Cutter Dallas WHEC 716 PCRC# Venez Army Rear CP comm stns PCRC3 Venez Army Rear CP, 3rd Inf Div PCRC5 Venez Army Rear CP, 5th Inf Div, Cuidad Bolivar PCTANQUE Mexican Army Possible tank CP PD1 FBI Portland, OR KOG83 PE1 Brazilian Navy Recife PE1TE NH SECURE Peterborough EOC PEM US Air National Guard Pease ANGB , NH PEM01D French Navy Unknown PEM02D French Navy Unknown PEM03D French Navy Unknown PEM04D French Navy Unknown PG1 FBI Pittsburgh, PA KGG76 PH1 FBI Philadelphia, PA KGG64 PIDNG US Army National Guard PIJAO Colombian Navy Submarine "Pijao," (SS-28) PINO Mexican Army Obsolete ("pine") PIPWQLE815 NVIS Comm. NS/EP, WV PIT Romania Pitest PLA USAF Lajes Field Azores SCOPE Command PLANPR USAF Lajes Field Azores NIPRNET Entry PLASPR USAF Lajes Field Azores SIPRNET Entry PLATA Mexican Army Obsolete ("silver") PLS Romania Ploiesti PNllnn Venez Navy River post PNM Romania Piatra Neamt PNR400 DEA/ICE/JTF "Panther," Nassau (OPBAT) PODBOY ARINC UrgentLink Unknown POTASIO Mexican Army "Potassium" (Heard 2015) POTASIO## Mexican Army "Potassium" (Heard 2015) POZNAN Polish MSWiA Poznan PR1 COTHEN PR Remote Transmitter PR1PRI COTHEN Primary Remote Tx, PR PR2JOC NGB JOC Net Puerto Rico PRF320 Colombian Army Phone patch net (Border posts?) PRF321 Colombian Army Phone patch net PRI UT Army NG Price, UT PROF PCC US Army PROF US Army PROFTM0PROF US Army PTOFIJO Venez Nvy Punto Fijo PTOORDAZ Venez Air Def Puerto Ordaz PUC US 3-Letter Net Unknown PUERTOAYSEN Chilean Gendarmerie Puerto Ais n PUERTOMONTT Chilean Gendarmerie Puerto Montt PUERTONATALES Chilean Gendarmerie Puerto Natales PUMA Mexican Army PX1 FBI Phoenix, AZ KOG71 PY## Algerian Mil PY50 Algerian Mil Q23 COTHEN Unknown Q2LSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network QF## Algerian MOI QSP USCG Cutter Vigorous WMEC 627 QT# FBI Quantico, VA KGE22 QT1 FBI Quantico, VA Remote control - FBI HQ, DC QT2 FBI Quantico, VA Remote control - SHARES QT4 FBI Quantico, VA DEA Subnet QT8 FBI Quantico, VA ? QT9 FBI Quantico, VA Quantico training QUINDIO Colombian Navy R##### US Army NG Helicopter, using 2nd part of reg number R00099 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R00108 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R001641 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R00196 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R00197 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R00206 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R00215 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R00216 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R00234 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R00258 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R01 US Army MARS Control, Ft. Huachuca, AZ R02 Polish Military R08FEM FEMA R15 US Government FEMA or MARS R16 US Government FEMA or MARS R23573 US Army NG R26601 US Army NG R327 US National Guard R51 Croatian NRPD R6PCST US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network R6PSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network RA1 Saudi Arabia Air Defense RADGENA Colombian Navy RAM Romania Ramnicu Valcea RANCAGUA Chilean Gendarmerie Rancagua RAP Saudi Arabia Air Defense RAS US Army NG Utah RAVEN81 USAF USAF CV-22B, Hurlburt Field RAYO Mexican Army Obsolete ("thunderbolt") RBT Algerian MFA Rabat, Morocco RC2HER ICRC Herat RC2KAB ICRC Kabul RCD Colombian Army RCL Saudi Arabia Air Defense RCN Saudi Arabia Air Defense RCP Saudi Arabia Air Defense RCU Saudi Arabia Air Defense RDC USCG Cutter Campbell (WMEC-909) REBOM1 Pemex, Mexico Rebombeo Complex REBOM2 Pemex, Mexico Rebombeo Complex REDHWK US Army NG "Redhawk," likely Phoenix, AZ RELAMPAGO Mexican Army "Flash," possible traffic grade RES Romania Resita REY COTHEN Unknown, on a lot RF3FEM FEMA Garble? RFI Saudi Arabia Air Defense RFN Saudi Arabia Air Defense RFP Saudi Arabia Air Defense RFU Saudi Arabia Air Defense RGL Chilean Navy RGP Saudi Arabia Air Defense RH1 FBI Richmond, VA KII74 RHI Saudi Arabia Air Defense RHN Saudi Arabia Air Defense RHO US 3-Letter Net Unknown RHP Saudi Arabia Air Defense RHV US 3-Letter Net Unknown RI1JOC NGB JOC Net Rhode Island RIVANG US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network RIY UK Military/Diplo Riyadh, Saudi Arabia RKI USCG Cutter Bluefin WPB 87318 RKN USCG Cutter Bear WMEC 901 RKP USCG Cutter Mackinaw (WAGB-83) RLT USCG Cutter Resolute WMEC 620 RLX USCG Cutter Katmai Bay (WTGB-101) RLY USCG Cutter Bristol Bay (WTGB-102) RM# Mexican Army Region Militar # (1-12) RNO COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Simpson, NV RNOUSLR1 Algerian Net Rhourde Nouss Pipeline ALG RO1CH NH SECURE Rochester EOC ROBLE Mexican Army Obsolete ("oak tree") ROCKVILLE Wash Gas & Light Rockville, MD ROS USCG Cutter Spencer (WMEC-905) ROSEMONT US Army 327 MP, Rosemont, IL, deployed ROSEMONTCHARLIE US Army 327 Military Police ROSEMONTSIERRA US Army 327 MP RPM USCG Cutter Legare WMEC 912 RRL US 3-Letter Net Unknown RS- Unknown CS-RS Net RS0014D Unknown CS-RS Net RSC USAF Rockwell Scope Command Svc Ctr, Dallas RT1NORTE Spanish Mil Regimiento de Transmisiones 1, Burgos RT1PILGRIM "RT3 net" Unknown RT3 "RT3 net" Control? RT5PILGRIM "RT3 net" Unknown RTF USCG Cutter Active WMEC 618 RTI US Army NG Regional Training Institute, UT RTI US Army NG Riverton, UT RU Swedish Mil Unknown RUANG Indonesia RUF USCG Cutter Mohawk WMEC 913 RUH### US Army 1/228th Avn, Honduras (JTF-S) RUR USCG USCGC Mobile Bay WTGB-103 RUS USCG USCGC Biscayne Bay WTGB-104 RUU USCG USCGC Neah Bay WTGB-105 RV## Algerian MOI S## US CBP Aircraft, using last two figures of reg S00 Sweden MFA, Stockholm S12 Sweden Embassy, Bogota (all Snn are embassies) S16 Sweden St. Petersburg, Russia S17 Sweden Kiev, Ukraine S21 Sweden Berlin S23 Sweden Helsinki S24 Sweden Copenhagen S24452 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network S25 Sweden Lisbon S26 Sweden London S26894 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network S26895 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network S26964 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network S26965 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network S27202 US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network S30 Sweden Madrid S31 Morocco Military S31 Sweden El Djaza'ir, Algeria S32 Sweden Kuwait S33 Morocco Military S34 Sweden Harare, Zimbabwe S35 Sweden Belgrade, Serbia S36 Sweden Budapest, Hungary S37 Sweden Bucharest, Romania S38 Sweden Moscow, Russia S39 Sweden Prague, Czech Republic S3YSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network S40 Sweden Warsaw S44 Morocco Military S45 Sweden Ankara, Turkey S46 Sweden Baghdad S47 Sweden Beirut, Lebanon S48 Sweden Damascus, Syria S49 Sweden Jeddah, Saudi Arabia S50 Sweden Cairo, Egypt S51 Sweden Teheran, Iran S52 Sweden Tel Aviv S53 Sweden Amman, Jordan S54 Sweden Vientiane, Laos S55 Sweden Bangkok, Thailand S57 Sweden Dhaka, Bangladesh S58 Sweden Jakarta, Indonesia S59 Sweden Hanoi, Vietnam S60 Sweden Islamabad, Pakistan S61 Sweden New Delhi, India S62 Sweden Beijing S63 Sweden Tokyo S64 Sweden Pyongyang, North Korea S65 Sweden Seoul, South Korea S66 Sweden Korean DMZ S67 Sweden Colombo, Sri Lanka S70 Sweden Addis Ababa, Ethiopia S71 Sweden Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania S72 Sweden Kinshasa, DR Congo S73 Sweden Lagos, Nigeria S74 Sweden Monrovia, Liberia S75 Sweden Nairobi, Kenya S76 Sweden Pretoria, South Africa S77 Sweden Tripoli, Libya S78 Sweden Tunis, Tunisia S79 Sweden Lusaka, Zambia S80 Sweden Gaborone, Botswana S81 Sweden Bissau, Guinea Bissau S82 Sweden Maputo, Mozambique S83 Sweden Santiago, Chile S84 Sweden Washington, D.C.(KNY34) S86 Sweden Mexico City S88 Sweden Buenos Aires S89 Sweden Havana S91 Sweden Lima, Peru S92 Sweden Managua, Nicaragua S93 Sweden Havana S94 Sweden Guatemala City S97 Sweden Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire SA1 FBI San Antonio, TX KKI99 SA5 Brazilian Mil? SAAFEMAUX FEMA Working Nightwatch 1 SADHF1 USACE ? SAI Utah Army NG St. George, UT SALAK Indonesia SALMON Mexican Army Obsolete SALTILLO Mexican Army 6th Zone HQ SAMHF1 USACE Mobile, AL SANANTONIO Chilean Gendarmerie San Antonio SANNG Army NG Unknown SANTIAGO Chilean Gendarmerie Santiago de Chile SAOPS Army NG San Antonio, TX SAR COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Limestone, FL SC10LA ARINC UrgentLink L.A. County Sheriff, Santa Clarita SC2FEM FEMA St. Croix, USVI SC43ADMINLO SC Natl Guard 43rd WMD-CST, Eastover SC4FEM FEMA South Carolina Emerg Mgmt WGY 934 SC4JOC Army NG JOC Net South Carolina SCA "RT3 net" Alt Control? SCF01D French Navy Frigate Surcouf (F711) SCI FBI Sacramento, CA KSD73 SCKOPS US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network SCL Venez Army Communications Logistics Service SCLC### Venezuelan Army Communications Logistics Service SCLC121 Venez Army 121st Motorized Inf Bn SCLC222 Venez Army 222nd Motorized Infantry Bn SCLC224 Venez Army 224th Field Artillery Grp SCLC501 Venez Army 501st Hqs Bn SCLC511 Venez Army 511th Jungle Inf Bn SCLC512 Venez Army 512th Jungle Inf Bn SCLC513 Venez Army 513th Jungle Inf Bn SCLM### Venez Army Maintenance Logistics Service Center SCLM341 Venez Army Maint Logistics Svc Ctr, 341st Bn SCLM344 Venez Army 344th Tac Commo Bn SCLM345 Venez Army 345th Tac Commo Bn SCLM349 Venez Army Maint Logistics Svc Ctr, 349th Bn SCTF1 S. Carolina Urban SAR Task Force 1 SD1 FBI San Diego, CA KMG22 SD4 Slovak Mil SD8FEM FEMA South Dakota Emerg Mgmt WGY 928 SE1 FBI Seattle, WA KOH22 SEA COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Clinton, NC SECTRANNORTE Spanish Mil Unk SEJERI Colombian Army Phone patch net SEMERUA Indonesia SEMO## NY State Emerg Mgmt SEMO03 NY State Emerg Mgmt WPHM631, Glen Falls, NY SEMOHQ NY State Emerg Mgmt Albany SERENA Chilean Gendarmerie La Serena SF ARINC UrgentLink Possibly northern CA SF1 FBI San Francisco, CA KKJ22 SFENG Army NG AASF, Santa Fe Airport, NM SGH Romania Sfintu Gheorghe or Spintu Gheorge SHBNG Army NG Shelbyville, IN SHEBINIKU Albanian MOI SI1 FBI Springfield, IL KSC81 SIB Romania Sibia or Sibiu SIL Rockwell Collins SIT Colombian Army SITFAA SITFAA Inter-Americas net, unknown SITIO##E Colombian Army "Site ##" E=emisadora? SJ1 FBI San Juan, PR WWR20 SJ30PR ARINC UrgentLink San Juan, PR SJCLIENT NVIS Comm. San Jose, CA SKA USAF Fairchild AFB, WA SKI Venez Army SKODAHFMREZA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network SKYWAT US Army Skywatch,Soto Cano, Honduras SL1 FBI St. Louis, MO KAH63 SLA Romania Slatina SLIOPS US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network SLO Romania Slobozia SLR US Army NG Salt Lake City Readiness Ctr, UT SMA Romania Satu Mare SMFANG US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network SMOK Polish Military SNANTX206 NS/EP San Antonio, TX SNB813 Polish Military SNOWBALL US Army Logistics SOC2 US Natl Guard SOTOAB SITFAA Soto Cano AB, Honduras (JTF-B) SP### Agerian Oil/Gas Net Pumping Stations SP01 US Army Special Activity Mgmt. Unit SP02 US Army Space & Missile Defense Cmd. SP03 US Army Army element in USSTRATCOM SPA US Army NG Spanish Forks, UT SPO US Army Special Operations Command SPR US Army NG Springville, UT SPT US Army Special Operations Support SPT424 Polish Military SRI XPU Net SRX XPU Net SSRPAC USCG Remote Transmitter, Pt. Reyes, CA ST2FEM FEMA Virgin Islands EOC, St. Thomas ST2FMA FEMA Virgin Islands STA# Tunisian MOI STA## Tunisian MOI STAT## Tunisian MOI STAT### Tunisian MOI STF USCG Cutter Steadfast WMEC 623 STFADW SITFAA Andrews AFB, MD (Control) SU1 FBI Salt Lake City, UT KOG93 SUC Romania Suceava SUCRE Venez Navy Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" SULVSC217 NS/EP Sullivan's Island, SC? SUP03 FBI SUV XPU Net SV1 FBI Savannah, GA KII83 SVNHGA213 NS/EP Savannah, GA SVS8 Mexican Army Obsolete SWD XPU Net T## CBP Aircraft, last two # of reg T#x CBP Aircraft, last two char of reg T#Z### US Army Aviation T10 CBP Beech 300C #N610A T14 CBP Beech 300 #N814A T1CCST US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network T1CSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network T1Z140 US Army 1-140 Avn Bn T1Z159 US Army 1-159 Avn Bn T1Z189 US Army 1-189 Avn Bn, MT T2Z224 US Army 2-224 Avn Bn T2Z227 US Army 2-227 Avn Bn, Ft. Hood TX T2Z238 US Army NG 2-238 Avn Bn, IN T2Z285 US Army NG 2-285 Assault Helicopter Bn, AZ T2Z6CAV US Army 2-6th Cav T31 CBP Unknown T3AVN US Army 3rd Av Bn T42 CBP Piper #N9142B, Omaha 42B T5L1 Venezuela Navy Commander, Frigate Squadron T5Q CBP Beech 200 #N505Q T5U CBP Beech 200 #N505U T61 CBP Beech 300 #N561A T61 Venezuela Navy LST "Capana" (T-61) T63 Venezuela Navy LST "Goajira" (T-63) T64 Venezuela Navy LST "Los Llanos" (T-64) T6P CBP Beech #N7166P, Omaha 66P T6V CBP Cessna #N6506V T6VCBP CBP Cessna #N6506V T74 CBP Beech A200 #N7074G T81 Venezuela Navy Oiler "Ciudad Bolivar" T85 CBP Piper #N9085U, Omaha 85U T87 CBP Hawker B300 #N187V T91 CBP Piper #N9091J, Omaha 91J T93 CBP Pilatus PC-12/45 #N593PC T97 CBP Pilatus PC-12/45 #N497PC T9F CBP Beech #N76509F, Omaha 09F T9PSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network TA5159 Poss US Army TAC Chilean Navy Talcahuano TAG USAF Incirlik AB TUR (closed?) TALCA Chilean Gendarmerie Talca TAO Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) TAR Romania Targoviste TARABOSHI Albanian MOI TAURO Mexican Army Obsolete ("bull") TAURUS Brazilian Army TBZ USCG Cutter Orcas WPB 1327 TDF Algeria Air Force Tindouf TDLFEM FEMA Possibly Technical Development Laboratory TEMUCO Chilean Gendarmerie Temuco TF1 Algerian AF ??? TF1 Singapore Navy HQ TF2 Algerian AF Tindouf TGZ185 NGB Mississippi National Guard? TIBURON Mexican Army Obsolete ("shark") TIERRA Mexican Army Obsolete ("Earth") TIGRE Mexican Army Obsolete ("tiger") TIM Romania Timisoara TJI Romania Tirgu Jiu TLAXCO Mexican Army Unknown NVIS net, 2016 TMU Romania Targu Mures TN4JOC NGB JOC Net Tennessee TNT US 3-Letter Net Unknown TOA Algerian Gendarmerie TOCOPILLA Chilean Gendarmerie Tocopilla TOO US Army NG Tooele, UT TOR Wyoming ANG Torrington TORNADO Mexican Army Obsolete TORRE Mexican Army Obsolete ("tower") TP1 FBI Tampa, FL KIJ44 TRAIN# USAF Training exercises TSC CBP COTHEN Technical Service Center, FL TSM Israeli AF ? TST COTHEN Service Ctr., Orlando, FL TSTLAB ARINC UrgentLink Possibly Annapolis, MD TTD US 3-Letter Net Unknown TUL Romania Tulcea TUM Romania Unknown TUM US 3-Letter Net Unknown TUMACO Colombian Navy TWC NGB US Army NG, OH TWLA Spanish police Vitoria TX6JOC NGB JOC Net Texas TXX2 Spanish police Madrid TYME Spanish police Madrid TYMT Spanish police Toledo TZSO Spanish police Cordoba TZSS Spanish police Sevilla U9QSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network UCD XPU Net UCG USCG Used by Pt. Reyes, CA UGW USCG Cutter Gannet WPB 87334 UHC USCG Cutter Decisive WMEC 629 UKE303 UK Royal Air Force E-3 AWACS UKE306 UK Royal Air Force E-3 AWACS UKE307 UK Royal Air Force E-3 AWACS UL01 Algerian Mil UNIVERSO Mexican Army Obsolete ("universe") URANO Mexican Army Obsolete ("Uranus") URUGUAY# Mexican Army Obsolete "Countries" net USAIS1012 US Army Ft. Belvoir, VA USAMC2120 US Army Materiel Command, Alexandria VA USANG2409 US Army NG HQ USAxx### US Army Units in field USDA# US Department of Agriculture USDAHQ1 USDA KFD915, Salt Lake City, UT USDAMOB# US Department of Agriculture UT8FEM FEMA Utah Emerg Svcs WGY 998 UT8JOC US Army NG JOC Net, Utah UVO Mexican Army Obsolete ("grape") V## USCG COTHEN V2ASAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network VA3FEM FEMA Virginia Emerg Mgmt WGY 963 VA3JOC NGB JOC Net Virginia VAI COTHEN Unknown VALDIVIA Chilean Gendarmerie Valdivia VALPARAISO Chilean Gendarmerie Valparaiso VARGAS Venezuelan Navy Coast Guard Command, Vargas VAS Romania Vaslui VC20 ALgerian AF VC21 ALgerian AF VC3ACRCCMD US Army VC3ACRCPROF US Army VENGALA Mexican Army VENUS Mexican Army VER US Army NG Vernal, UT VES USCG Cutter Venturous WMEC 625 VGS COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Logandale, NV VHE US 3-Letter Net Unknown VI2JOC NGB JOC Net US Virgin Is. VIJOC US Army NG Virgin Islands Joint Ops Center VM1 ICE VOL649 US Army NG Probably helo R26649 VOLTAS US Army NG Unknown TN NG VOLTWR US Army NG Tennessee NG air base VOLVOHFMREZA Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network VPS USAF AFSOC, Eglin AFB VSF US 3-Letter Net Unknown VT1JOC US Army NG VT Joint Ops Ctr. VX# Venezuelan Navy VX1 Venezuelan Navy HQ VX2 Venezuelan Navy VX6 Venezuelan Navy Sailing vessel Simon Bolivar VY1 ICE W080YN WY National Guard W8FSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network WA0FEM FEMA WA10JOC NGB JOC Net Washington WAGONMASTER US Army logistics WAROPS US Army "Warrior Ops" WARSZAWA1 Polish Govt. Warsaw WARSZAWA2 Polish MSWiA Warsaw WARSZAWA3 Polish MSWiA Warsaw WES US Army NG West Jordan, UT WF1 FBI Washington, DC Field Office KGG85 WG41 Algerian Mil WH2XOOJC Scientific Research Co. Experimental WHD USCG Cutter Kodiak Island WPB 1341 WHP "RT3 net" Unknown WI5JOC NGB JOC Net Wisconsin WILLIS Indonesia WJO Utah Army NG West Jordan, UT WJONG US Army NG AASF West Jordan, UT WNG767 US DoS ? WNG811 US DoS WPFJ625 NH SECURE NH Emerg Mgmt, Concord WQLE815MANA NVIS Comm. Nationwide NS/EP WQLE815RPHONE NVIS Comm. Nationwide NS/EP WQLE815RZUB NVIS Comm. NS/EP, VA WQLE815SP NVIS Comm. Nationwide NS/EP WQLE815xxx NVIS Comm. Nationwide NS/EP WQLE818xxx Sprint Nationwide NS/EP WQMI66 AOAA Emerg net Possible truncation WQMI660HOT AAOA Emerg net Hot Springs, AR WQMI660XNAD AAOA Emerg net Unknown WQMI660xxx(x) AAOA Emerg net Nationwide NS/EP WRL USAF Warner Robins AFB, GA WRLNG US Army NG WST COTHEN West Regional Comm Node WUG# US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) WUG6 USACE St. Paul, MN WV3JOC NGB JOC Net West Virginia WYR US 3-Letter Net Unknown X## USCG Possible HC-27Js X2 Morocco Military X34 Morocco Military X8DSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network XBA UK DHFCS XBE UK DHFCS XCE6 Venezuelan Navy Coast Guard vessel "Almirante Clemente" XCF UK DHFCS XCP UK DHFCS XCT UK DHFCS XDV UK DHFCS XED UK DHFCS XEN UK DHFCS XGE UK DHFCS XGM UK DHFCS XHK UK DHFCS XHZ UK DHFCS XJJ UK DHFCS XJK UK DHFCS XJR UK DHFCS XJT UK DHFCS XMS UK DHFCS XNDR260 NS/EP Denver? XNDR261 NS/EP Unknown XPU UK DHFCS XPU XPU Net Algerian? XPZ UK DHFCS XRU UK DHFCS XS## Algerian Military XS49 Algerian Military XS50 Algerian Military XS52 Algerian Military XS56 Algerian Military XS58 Algerian Military XS64 Algerian Military XS67 Algerian Military XSA UK DHFCS Northern Control, Kinloss XSS UK DHFCS Control, Forest Moor Y2LSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network Y75 NTCN KNY75, TX YCQ USCG Cutter Boutwell WHEC-719 YV5 Slovak Mil YW Swedish Mil Unknown YWL USCG Cutter Thetis WMEC-629 Z## USCG Sector COTHEN remote consoles Z01 Croatia Rescue Net, Zagreb Z01 USCG Sector N New England, ME Z02 USCG Sector Boston, MA Z03 USCG Sector SE New England Z04 USCG Sector Long Island, New Haven CT Z05 USCG Sector New York, Staten Island NY Z06 USCG Sector Delaware, Philadelphia, PA Z07 USCG Sector Baltimore, MD Z08 USCG Sector Sector Hampton Roads, VA Z09 USCG Sector North Carolina, Wilmington Z10 USCG Sector Charleston, SC Z11 USCG Sector Jacksonville, FL Z12 USCG Sector Miami, FL Z13 USCG Sector Key West, FL Z14 USCG Sector St. Petersburg, FL Z15 USCG Sector San Juan, PR Z16 USCG Sector Mobile, AL Z17 USCG Sector New Orleans Z18 USCG Sector Houston/Galveston, TX Z19 USCG Sector Corpus Christi, Tx Z27 USCG Sector San Francisco, CA Z28 USCG Sector Los Angeles, Long Beach CA Z29 USCG Sector San Diego, CA Z30 USCG Sector Puget Sound, Seattle, WA Z31 USCG Sector Columbia River, OR/WA Z32 USCG Sector Honolulu, HI Z35 USCG Sector Juneau, AK Z36 USCG Unknown Z37 USCG Unknown Z38 USCG Sector Humboldt Bay, OR Z5RSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network Z5TSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network Z6HSAC US Army NG Secure Automatic Communications Network Z6HSAC US Natl Guard? SAC net Z99 USCG COMMCOM ZA4 Polish Military ZAL Romania Zalau ZBOR Germany Customs Boat Borkum ZEMD Germany Customs Boat Emden ZETA Mexican Army Obsolete ZG7DB US 5-char Net Unknown ZH5 XPU Net ZHEL Germany Customs Boat Helgoland ZHF XPU Net ZHID Germany Customs Boat Hiddensee ZHOH Germany Customs Boat Hohwacht ZKNI Germany Customs Boat Kniepsand ZLST Germany Customs Control Post Cuxhaven ZORILLO Mexican Army Obsolete ("little fox") ZORRO Mexican Army Obsolete ("fox") ZOW Romania Unknown ZPRI Germany Customs Boat Priwall ZRUE Germany Customs Boat Ruegen ZUU Bosnia Civil Defense HF Network (?) ZWP Romania Unknown ============================================================================ 3: Appendixes/ Notes 1. US Air Force aircraft often use an address with 6 numbers. These are aircraft type + last digit of fiscal year purchased + last 4 digits of the tail number. 1=C-5, 2=C-17, 3=C-141, 4=KC-10, 5=KC-135, E3=AWACS. In early 2016, several U-2S recon aircraft have been received using addresses beginning in "2," (usually a C-17), or "8," the first digit of the FY purchased, since these planes are from 1980. In the second case, we have the plane's serial number, minus the dash. Many USAF ground stations now have NIPRNET (Non-secure Internet Protocol Routing Network) and SIPRNET (Secure IP Routing Network) access. These postpend NPR and SPR, respectively, to the addresses. ---- 2. There has been considerable confusion regarding German government ALE addresses. Tom Rosner has enlightened all of us on this: Prefixes: B Bundes Federal BP Bundespolizei Federal Police W Wasserschutzpolizei State Police for waters; "Water Police" Z Zoll Customs There are a few exceptions. NDSWSPOL, for example is the Water Police control station in Niedersachsen. ---- 3. Chilean Ministry of Interior Emergency Mgmt (OMEMI) and Early Warning Center (CAT) list: ECO01-15 = CAT net, Administrative Regions: 01. REGI N DE TARAPAC 02. REGI N DE ANTOFAGASTA 03. REGI N DE ATACAMA 04. REGI N DE COQUIMBO 05. REGI N DE VALPARAISO 06. REGI N DEL LIBERTADOR GENERAL BERNARDO O'HIGGINS 07. REGI N DEL MAULE 08. REGI N DEL B O - B O 09. REGI N DE LA ARAUCAN A 10. REGI N DE LOS LAGOS 11. REGI N AYS N DEL GENERAL CARLOS IB EZ DEL CAMPO 12. REGI N DE MAGALLANES Y LA ANT RTICA CHILENA 13. REGI N METROPOLITANA * Provincia de Santiago 14. REGION DE LOS R OS 15. REGI N DE ARICA Y PARINACOTA OMEGACERO (Omega Zero) - ONEMI/CAT ctrl., Santiago ISLADEPASCUA - CAT, Easter Island/ Rapa Nui MOVILxx - Mobiles Thanks to Tom and Lief on UDXF for much of this. Unfortunately, this interesting net is not heard much anymore, though OMEGACERO was logged on 17426 kHz IN 2016. ---- 4. US Coast Guard Cutters heard on COTHEN: Cutters use the last three letters of their voice radio call signs, dropping the "N" at the beginning. Any list of these is forever incomplete, since new vessels appear regularly. AAD USCGC Paul Clark (WPC 1106), Miami, FL ASM USCGC Tackle (WYTL65604) AXQ USCGC Oak (WLB 211), buoy tender, Newport, RI AYT USCGC Shearwater (WPB 87349), Portsmouth, VA AYV USCGC Fir (WLB 213) AYU USCGC Petrel (WPB 87350), San Diego, CA AZJ USCGC Hickory (WLB 212) BAB USCGC Bailey Barco (WPC 1122) BCQ USCGC Bertholf (WMSL 750) BDE USCGC Ahi (WPB-87364), Honolulu BGB USCGC Mackinaw (WLBB 30) BGN USCGC Waesche (WMSL 751), Alameda, CA BHF USCGC Sequoia (WLB 215) BRG USCGC Stingray (WPB 87305) BTM USCGC Polar Star (WAGB 10) CBE USCGC Tahoma (WMEC 908), Kittery, ME DCK USCGC Sanibel, (WPB 1312), Woods Hole, MA DIS USCGC Matinicus (WPB 1315), San Juan, PR DIT USCGC Mellon (WHEC 717) DJV USCGC Juniper (WLB 201) DOH USCGC Lawrence O. Lawson (WPC-1120), Cape May, NJ DOI USCGC John McCormick (WPC 112) DOJ USCGC Benjamin Dailey (WPC 1123) DTS USCGC Dauntless (WMEC 624), Galveston, TX EAP USCGC Isaac Mayo (WPC 1112), Key West, FL EDI USCGC Cuttyhunk (WPB 1322), Port Angeles WAWLB EJA USCGC Raymond Evans WPC 1110, Key West FL EMY USCGC Seahorse (WPB 87361), Portsmouth, VA EOB USCGC Wahoo (WPB 87345), Port Angeles, WA EOT USCGC Tern (WPB 87343), San Francisco, CA EPM USCGC Heron (WPB 87344) EPP USCGC Healy (WAGB 20), Seattle WA ERH USCGC Tybee (WPB 1330), Woods Hole, MA FFS USCGC Chandeleur (WPB 1319) FMK USCGC Seneca (WMEC-906) FOY USCGC Skipjack (WPB 87353), Galveston, TX FSH USCGC Pelican (WPB 87327), FL GBL USCGC Ocracoke (WPB 1307) GDF USCGC Douglas Munro (WHEC 724), Kodiak, AK GEI USCGC Key Largo (WPB 1324) GML USCGC Alder (WLB 216) GYS USCGC Key Biscayne (WPB 1339) HAM USCGC Hammerhead (WPB 87302), Woods Hole, MA HHF USCGC Hollyhock(WLB 214) HIC USCGC Vigilant (WMEC 617I, Cape Canaveral, FL HKW USCGC Confidence (WMEC 619), Cape Canaveral, FL HNC USCGC Harriet Lane (WMEC 903), Portsmouth, VA HSD USCGC Drummond (WPB 1323), Miami Beach, FL HTC USCGC Stratton (WMSL 752) HWR USCGC John Midgett (WHEC 726) ICB USCGC Forward (WMEC 911), Portsmouth, VA IGY USCGC Penobscot Bay (WTGB 107), Bayonne, NJ IIW USCGC Willow (WLB 202), Newport, RI IKL USCGC Tampa (WMEC 902), Portsmouth, VA ILB USCGC William Flores (WPC 1103), Miami, FL ITU USCGC Steelhead (WPB 87324) IUD USCGC Barracuda (WPB 87301), Eureka, CA JAM USCGC James (WMSL 754), Charleston, SC JAR USCGC Spar (WLB 206) JEC USCGC Dorado (WPB 87306) JHT USCGC Liberty (WPB 1334) JOG USCGC Joseph Gerczak (WPC 1126), Honolulu, HI JOM USCGC Sea Otter (WPB 87362), San Diego CA JPJ USCGC Reliance (WMEC 615), Kittery ME JPO USCGC Jacob Poroo (WPC 1125), Pascagoula, MS JQA USCGC Man-O-War (WPB 87330) JSJ USCGC Razorbill (WPB 87332), Portsmouth VA JTH USCGC Joshua Appleby (WLM 566), St. Petersburg, FL JZP USCGC Marlin (WPB 87304) KDL USCGC Frank Drew (WLM 557) Portsmouth, VA KIM USCGC Kimball (WMSL 756) KJU USCG Buoy Tender Kukui (WLB 203), Honolulu, HI KVQ USCGC Nantucket (WPB 1316), Atlantic Beach, NC LGF USCGC Northland (WMEC 904), Portsmouth, VA LIL USCGC Bainbridge Island (WPB 1343) LKY USCGC Edisto (WPB 1313) MAG USCGC Hamilton (WMSL 753), Charleston, SC MFN USCGC Knight Island (WPB 1348) MHU USCGC Blacktip (WPB 87326 MMJ USCGC Sherman (WHEC 720), Honolulu, HI MUD USCGC Diligence (WMEC 616), Wilmington, NC MUN USCGC Munro (WMSL 755) MXB USCGC Swordfish WPB 87358, Port Angeles, WA NAS USCGC Escanaba (WMEC 907), Boston, MA NGB USCGC Bonito (WPB 87341), Pensacola FL NGC USCGC Sea Dragon (WPB 87367) NGH USCGC Halibut (WPB 87340), Marina Del Rey, CA NIC USCGC Harry Claiborne (WLM 561), Galveston, TX NRT USCGC Active (WMEC 618) OBY USCGC Oliver Berry (WPC 1124), Honolulu ODK USCGC Bramble (WLB-392) ODW USCGC Sundew (WLB-404) ODY USCGC Acacia (WLB-406) OFR USCGC Cushing (WPB 1321), San Juan, PR OUA USCGC Sea Dog (WPB 87373) OWK USCGC Dependable (WMEC 626), Little Creek, VA PAL USCGC Kingfisher (WPB 87322), Mayport FL PBG USCGC Shrike (WPB 87342), Port Canaveral, FL PEG USCGC Bernard C Webber (WPC 1101), Miami FL PCI USCGC Cypress (WLB 210) QSP USCGC Vigorous (WMEC 627), Little Creek, VA RCB USCGC Training Barque Eagle (WIX 327), New London, CT RDC USCGC Campbell (WMEC 909), Kittery, ME RIS USCGC Richard Snyder (WPC 1127), Atlantic Beach NC RKD USCGC Manta (WPB 87320) RKG USCGC Yellowfin (WPB 87319) RKI USCGC Bluefin (WPB 87318) RKN USCGC Bear (WMEC 901), Portsmouth, VA RLT USCGC Resolute (WMEC 620), St. Petersburg, FL RLX USCGC Katamai Bay (WTGB 101), Sault St. Marie RPK USCGC Elm (WLB 204), Atlantic Beach, NC RPM USCGC Legare (WMEC 912), Portsmouth, VA RTF USCGC Active (WMEC 618), Port Angeles, WA RTW USCGC Robert G. Ward {WPC-1130), Los Angeles-Long Beach RUF USCGC Mohawk (WMEC 913), Key West FL RUS USCGC Biscayne BAY (WTGB 104) SDA USCGC Sea Lion, Bellingham, WA STF USCGC Steadfast (WMEC 623) TBD USCGC Reef Shark (WPB 87371) TBZ USCGC Orcas (WPB 1327), Coos Bay, OR TGG USCGC Sycamore (WLB 209) TGT USCGC Sturgeon (WPB 87336), Grand Isle, LA THA USCGC Narwhal (WPB 87335), Corona Del Mar, CA TMF USCGC Cormorant (WPB 87313), Ft. Pierce, FL TMV USCGC Amberjack (WPB 87315) TNL USCGC Kittiwake (WPB 87316) TRK USCGC Adelie (WPB 87333), Port Angeles, WA TUG USCGC Aspen (WLB 208), San Francisco, CA TVT USCGC Henry Blake, Seattle, WA TWX USCGC Tarpon (WPB 83710), Tybee Island, GA TXJ USCGC Cobia (WPB 87311) UGW USCGC Gannet (WPB 87334) UHC USCGC Decisive (WMEC 629) USF USCGC Kiska (WPB 1336), Apra Harbor, Guam VAI USCGC Valiant (WMEC 621) VES USCGC Venturous (WMEC 625), St. Petersburg, FL VIP USCGC Pompano (WPB 87339), Gulfport MS VMJ USCGC Washington (WPB 1331), Apra Harbor, Guam WBC USCGC Ibis (WPB 87338), Cape May WBE USCGC Maple (WLB 207), Sitka, AK WGD USCGC Diamondback (WPB 87370) WHD USCGC Kodiak Island (WPB 1341) WHE USCGC Spencer (WMEC 905), Boston, MA YNA USCGC Alligator (WPB 87372) YVC USCGC Mako (WPB 87303), Cape May YWL USCGC Thetis (WMEC 910), Key West, FL ZNE USCGC Walnut (WLB 205), Honolulu, HI ZPO USCGC Alex Haley (WMEC 39), Kodiak, AK ZPU USCGC Chinook (WPB 87308) ZRG USCGC Albacore (WPB 8730), Little Creek VA ZSR USCGC Beluga (WPB 87325), Little Creek, VA ZTM USCGC Seahawk (WPB 87323), Carrabelle, FL ZVE USCGC Alert (WMEC 630), Astoria, OR ========================================================================== 4: Acronym List ========================================================================== 2G Second Generation 3G Third Generation AASF Army Aviation Support Facility AF Air Force AFAD Turkish: "Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency" AFB Air Force Base ALE Automatic Link Establishment AMD Automatic Message of the Day AMOC Air and Marine Operations Center (CBP, March ARB, CA) ANG Army National Guard AQC Alternate Quick Call ARINC Aeronautical Radio, Inc.; part of Rockwell Collins ARNG ARmy National Guard ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center AWACS Airborne Warning And Control System BCU Biosurveillance Coordination Unit Bde Brigade BER Bit-Error Rate BP Bundespolizei (German Federal Police) BPLEZS Bundespolizei Lage- und Einsatzzentrum (control ctr.) CAP US Civil Air Patrol CAT Chilean Early Warning Center (Spanish) CBP US Customs & Border Protection CFARS Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System CMD ALE command word COG Continuity Of Government COO Continuity Of Operations COOP Continuity Of Operations COTHEN Cellular Over-The-Horizon Enforcement Network CP Command Post c/s Call Sign DEA US Drug Enforcement Administration DGPC Moroccan CD (Direction G n rale de la Protection Civile) DHFCS Defence High Frequency Communications Service (UK) DHS US Department of Homeland Security DISA US Defense Information Systems Agency DLA US Defense Logistics Agency DoD US Department of Defense DOS US Department of State DVA US Department of Veterans Affairs EAS Emergency Alerting System, replaces EBS EOC Emergency Operations Center FAA US Federal Aviation Administration FBI US Federal Bureau of Investigation FCC US Federal Communications Commission FEMA US Federal Emergency Management Agency FSK Frequency-Shift Keying GMMRA Great Man-Made River Authority (Libya) HF High Frequency, ~3-30 MHz HFGCS High Frequency Global Communications System (USAF) HITRON Helicopter Interdiction Tactical squadRON HQ Headquarters LQA Link Quality Assessment NHQ National Headquarters NS/EP National Security/ Emergency Preparedness ICE US Immigration & Customs Enforcement ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IP Internet Protocol JOC Joint Operations Center (US National Guard) JTF Joint Task Force LSB Lower SideBand LQA Link Quality Assessment MAE Algerian MFA (in French) MARS US Military Auxiliary Radio System MERS Mobile Emergency Response Support MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MHFCS Modernised High Frequency Communications System (Aus.) MoD Ministry of Defense NASA US National Aeronautics and Space Administration NGB US National Guard Bureau NIPRNET US Non-Secure Internet Protocol Routing NETwork NPHRN US National Public Health Radio Network NRPD National Protection and Rescue Directorate (Croatia) NS/EP National Security/Emergency Preparedness NTCN US National Telecommunication Coordination Network NVIS Near Vertical Incidence Skywave OEC Office of Emergency Communications ONEMI Interior Ministry Natl. Emergency Office (Spanish) OPBAT Operation Bahamas, Turks and Caicos PC Personal Computer PSK Phase-Shift Keying SAR Search and Rescue SCOPE System Capable Of Planned Expansion SCP Southern Command Post (US Army, Kosovo) SECURE State Emergency Capability Using Radio Effectively SHARES Shared Resources (federal frequency pool) SINAD SIgnal to Noise And Distortion SINCGARS Single-Channel Ground/Airborne Radio System SIPRNET Secure Internet Protocol Routing NETwork SND SouNDing transmission SOAR 160th Army Special Operations Air Regiment TIS This IS, ALE word type TISCOM Telecom & Information Systems Command, VA TOC Tactical Operations Center TSC Technical Service Center (COTHEN) TWS This WaS, ALE word type USA US Army USACE US Army Corps of Engineers USAF US Air Force USB Upper SideBand USCG US Coast Guard USCGC US Coast Guard Cutter USCS US Customs Service, now part of DHS ICE and CBP USDA US Dept. of Agriculture USNG US National Guard USPS US Postal Service USSTRATCOM US Strategic Command WMD-CST Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team ZB Customs Boat (German "Zoll Boot") ZLST Customs Control Post ("Zoll Leitstelle") # # #